Toonces' Hugh Jackman Guest Book

We all know you love Hugh. Now you can tell the world, and see the messages from other sufferers. Enjoy!

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July 30th 2013
09:36:14 PM
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March 17th 2011
07:54:45 PM
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I sure do miss getting to use smilies!
Facebook should really put them up.

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June 7th 2010
01:40:40 PM
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Happy Birthday, Lobo!!

January 5th 2010
01:10:01 PM
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Yep, folks are welcome to post here still, even though the HJ site is gone. I do admit, I've drifted over to Facebook for the most part; however, I'll keep this place open as long as Bravenets lets me!

January 4th 2010
10:34:33 PM
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Long time since anyone posted in here.
Khaki & our other friends who may pop in here, some of us are over in Facebook as ourselves, nicknames from here not being used there, mostly.
Hope you are all doing well. Hop on over to Facebook and say hi, if'n you wish to,

June 25th 2009
11:53:20 PM
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Goodbye Farrah Fawcett, thank you for showing us your fight with cancer, that took courage. I hope it inspires people to fight cancer feircely in all its forms. {{HUGS}} Farewell.

As for Michael Jackson, sorry you died the way you did, but, now maybe, you'll see reality a bit more clearly from your new perspective. Thanks for the music & one of the coolest dances ever; Thriller. To this day people still know the moves.
I just hope you left a will that makes sense, for your childrens' sake if noone elses.

Ed McMahon you sir I shall miss most of all. Most of my life you & Johnny were there. I learned more about adult humor from the two of you when I was a kid, than from any other tv personalities, much to my parents' chagrine. You & Johnny are together again, I hope you don't make the angels laugh their wings off, well, not too much anyway.

June 24th 2009
12:05:52 AM
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Hi All!
Red, sorry to hear your boss is still being a buttmonkey. Hope the test & exam & such all went well. As for the clingy kids & hubby, it happens sometimes. There are days when Brad & all four cats can't get enough of my attention. Check the Moon phase, maybe that's got something to do with it.

Not much going on here, just glad that the clouds & rain came, I hate it when it gets into the upper 80's & the 90's.

Went to Rita's 91st b-day, she had a hard time remembering it was her birthday & refused to get dressed (jammies & robe). We had cake & visited for a bit. The Gel nextdoor had her grandson with her, he's a sweet boyO, has some kind of mental thing. He's having more tests done soon that envolve getting a shunt put in his spine. They at first thought it was Cerebral Palsy, but the first brain scans were negative on that. The meds have been hard for them to figure out, he has seizures now & then. He's a very sweet boyO I tell you! He can't talk but knows some sign language & his dimples are so cute! I hope they get it all figured out soon, so he can do better.
A month ago, he was scooting about outside in his walker wheely & saw Oliver, he worked his way to the porch & Brad took Oliver outside so Tanner could pet him. He had the biggest grin & Ollie was a very good boy too. Only bad thing is now Ollie thinks he gets to go outside, he keeps us busy when we go in & out of home, he's fast for his size & weight!

Pilot, my Morning Glory flowers are a bit late in starting, very wet spring, they needed some good heat to get going. I hope they do well.
The cats are going nutters with the birds on the front porch & in the back yard. Ollie's determined to get the sguirrel, he scrabbles at the glass & meows. I fear for him if he gets out, squirrels don't take guff from kitties, they give it.

Hope all of you are well. I'll make it back into facebook one of these days. I'm just not much into on-lining these days. I'm in a lazy summer phase I guess. {{HUGS}}

June 21st 2009
04:17:45 PM
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Hiya all!
FAmily are completely doing my head in by apparently being glued to me as I amove around the house. Wouldn't mind so much but it includes hubby as well as the kids?!?!
Had a busy week last week between 3 year re-test for my advanced driving, sign language exam and a meeting at work that I was really not looking forward to as it involved a colleague and me raising more issues about my boss (different ones from the last time though!).
I'm really sorry I don't post here so often just now - I can't get on to the GB at work and have to fight my daughter for the pc at home LOL and I am still trying to get to grips with the whole facebook thing - will need to get my daughter to give me a tutorial, i think

Love to you all x

June 9th 2009
11:25:54 PM
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So Toonce, does this mean that you'll have lazer eyes? **Grrrzapp!** Hehehe.
Glad Winston's doing well. I wish Hazel would let me brush her, she has such a bad time with hairballs. She takes paste to grease things up every-other day. The other cats can't eat it, especially Garg! Who knew that cats prone to seizures cannot take certain hairball meds?
Oliver's gaining much too much weight! I'm puting him on a low cal. food, the little porker!
Suzy's doing good, she's even less shy, which is a vary good thing.

CAMmers, is Fang truly MIA? Oh please come home Fang! Be a good kitty boyO.

The first day of Summer's a short week & a half away! I best get a new fan or two.


June 9th 2009
03:09:24 AM
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I'm happy to hear about the rugby matches - I'm sure you'll have a great time! And I'm glad you can post in here again; I'm not sure why Bravenuts acts up sometimes, but it's a pain in the butt. I know they're trying to compete with other sites and make things more spiffy, but sometimes the simplest things are the best and they should leave well enough alone. Anyway.

I managed to see Up and I loved it - I'm sure I'll buy it when it comes out on DVD. I haven't seen the Wolvie movie yet (*gasp*), but I'm sure I'll see that too before too long. My patience with the movie theatre "experience" has waned over the years - I find myself getting more and more annoyed with people (especially rowdy teens) yakking through the entire movie, etc. And we got a widescreen TV earlier in the year, so that makes watching movies at home even nice.

Winston has been his usual kittybear self... snoozing most of the time one day, running around like his butt's on fire the next. He's recently taken to sleeping on the futon in the hubby's office, which the hubs doesn't always like because it means he's constantly lint-rollering the futon. Winston has also started to like getting brushed, and now seems to expect it when he jumps onto his mat on the couch. Tonight I even managed to coax him over to the couch just by showing him the brush! I'm happy to brush him down though, as he enjoys it so much and it keeps him from swallowing too much loose fur.

Nothing much else going on here. I had a minor "procedure" done on Friday - nothing serious, but I'll keep the details out of the GB... but now my eyes are really bloodshot and freaky looking. Everything else is fine though, so I guess I can't really complain too much. Well, it's bed-time for me... hope you all have a lovely week!

June 8th 2009
11:33:23 PM
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Thanks Tooncie! Thanks all!
My best present (to me ) is going to happen next Sunday. I'm going to get to see two rugby matches! (USA VS England Saxons
then Georgia VS Ireland A.) Woohoo!
I just hope the weather behaves itself. We had five tornado touchdowns, snow in the mountains & hail on my birthday.

Ratty, I hope the weather's nice for your trip.

Hope all are well. {{HUGS}}

June 7th 2009
08:08:16 PM
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Just wanted to run in real quick and wish our resident wolf a happy birthday...


I hope you're having a great day with the hubby and the fur kids!

May 27th 2009
01:35:48 PM
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Wow - had a fabulous trip. Got soaked twice but rode some of the best biking roads in Scotland with a bunch of fabulous women. The police gave us a motorcycle escort for the final 10 miles of the trip and we finished up in George Square in the middle of Glasgow. Truly wonderful!

Lobo - have heard of Deathray and may have even flicked through it on occasion :) enjoy!

May 21st 2009
10:21:18 PM
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Ratty, I know, me are bad Gel.

Well, my Hubby is back from his vacation & back to work, he even has to work Saturday!! No fair! *sniff* Ah well.

I am sad, my friend & neighbor lost her dog Cassie. I've known Cassie for 15 years, I'm going to miss her, not as much as her family though.

I have been buying a magazine off & on since it first started being published about a year or so ago. It's called "Deathray". It's a very cool mag, published in merry old England. It's got lots of stuff about science fiction & fantasy & such like. It runs the gammit, book reviews, interviews with movie makers & actors, lots of very good stuff! Please look for it & give it a try. The most recent issue has a Wolverine article (new movie) as well as some juicy news for us fans not in Europe. Like the return of Red Dwarf! All new shows?! When are we on this side of the pond going to get to see? This issue's going to take a while for me to read, lots of pages full of goodies. Considering it's an import, 12 bucks ain't bad.

Hope all of you are well.

May 18th 2009
07:53:22 AM
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I too was unimpressed with the new Trek flick. Just a rehash of the old characters and their quirks. Setting up things for a brand new series for brand new viewers.

Perhaps, at the very least, it will create good stories and you can bet that the special effects will be HD and explosive all the way.

In any case the old Trek is dead. Long live the new Trek !!! LOL

btw, was that the old sulu in the movie next to the other old guys?

Hopefully, the new Treks will not continue to put the old trek peeps in it. Nothin' worse then seein' geriatric Trek peeps. Nostalgia be hanged, give me the young and fit peeps. If they are breaking from the old Trek then don't use the old treksters.

Lobo, I can't believe that you opted to see Trek instead of Wolverine!
What kind of traitorous behavior is this? You need to wash yer mind out with a good dose of old Hugh flicks and set it back in order gal. lol

I wasn't going to go and see the Trek flick but I heard people say how good it was. ... what was I thinking? But at least I have seen the Wolverine flick 3 times so far. Can't get enough ya know. I LOVE watching Gambit ! *BIG SIGH*

Red, good luck and weather on your trip. You sure are one gutsy gal.

<:3 )----------------

May 17th 2009
11:38:20 PM
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Hi all!
Red, safe trip on your bike, same goes for all the other Gels too. I bet you get some interesting lookieloos. Them Scottish boyOs are something else! Hehehe.

Not much going on here, just missing my Hubby. (He left last Wednesday) He's off in Kentucky at Wonderfest. The convention's already over, now they're all packing up their models & such. He'll be heading out on the long drive home tomorrow. Dropping off a couple boyOs in Kansas on the way. He can't get home soon enough. He's a pain in the butt sometimes, but I do love him.

Ratty, sorry I missed your call, my Papa took me to the grocery store, I was out of milk! Oy! Can't live without it!

Well, I best get to doing some chores, I've been slacking a bit. Hehe, house all to myself ya know!

Take care all! Later!

May 17th 2009
02:16:19 PM
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Haven't really been enough into Star Trek to really be absorbed by the plot ramifications or anything and haven't seen the film yet to comment but I feel for you Lobo - it obviously got to you!

Well, I am gearing up for a 4 day trip round bits of Scotland on the motorbike. Doing it with about 99 other women bikers to raise money for a cancer support charity. Please put in a good word with the weather peeps for no rain!!!! And another to the gods of all-things-cushioned as I dread to think how much I will ache after 4 days riding LOL.
Am slowly getting round to the pics from the hols - you never know you might get to see them before the end of June
Love to you all.

May 11th 2009
02:11:56 PM
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Next time, tell us how you really feel, Lobo! I'm sorry though that you and Lobohubby didn't enjoy the movie.

The hubs and I saw the ST movie, and we both really liked it. I think my only issue was with the lens flare thing, which sometimes made it difficult to see some of the people on the bridge.



While I can understand Lobo's frustration with the changing of the Star Trek timeline, I'm actually kind of glad they did it. Don't get me wrong - I loved TNG, DS9, Voyager and Enterprise - but in all the various time travel plots that have been used over the years, everything gets tied up neatly in the end and nobody but the crew is wiser to the fact that anything different has happened. In this movie, the ramifications of what Nero has done are HUGE. Someone on another board said that now Spock's going to be all lovey-feely and such... but will he? Will he make even more of an effort to preserve his Vulcan nature because there are now so few actual Vulcans left? And now that the future timeline is changed, if there are more movies with this new cast, we as an audience won't know who's going to live or die - if things hadn't been changed, we'd be able to say, "Oh, we don't have to worry about so-and-so surviving that fight against Alien X, because they're going to be involved in the events that happen in the Wrath of Khan/Undiscovered Country/etc..." Now it's all up to chance.

And there's nothing to say that characters like Picard, Q, the Borg, Janeway, Sisko and all the rest wouldn't still exist. Well, maybe Tuvok wouldn't (boo!)... but then again, maybe that would wipe out Tuvix (yay!). They would have a different set of challenges to face, possibly still on the same crews (I mean, the ST crew was the same even though Nero had shown up 25 years earlier). I guess I'm just excited to see familiar characters facing new challenges, and how the Federation is going to deal with the devastating loss of Vulcan.

May 11th 2009
02:40:44 AM
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Hi Jackdaw! Glad to see you back.

OK, I am sorely upset about the new movie. How dare they erase everything that came before! Alternate history story yet again! Now they can redo it all, from their verson of the beginning with the new fans they get from this movie, at least that's their plan. The story was a rewrite & remake of so many Trek episodes, there really wasn't anything new. Also, the inside of the ship is not a water treatment plant with colorful pipes! That's just lazy cheap filming.
I give the movie an 'F', Brad gives it a 'D'. We've seen all of the original Trek eps, all of the Next Gen. eps. I've seen most of the DSN eps & a lot of Voyager. I also saw a bit of the series "Enterprise", it was much better than Voyager & DSN, story & writing -wise. Just sweeping all of that under the rug is BS to me, hateful, a huge insult to folks like me that have watched Trek all these years.
Trek, in the beginning was more about story, effects came second. Now, there's little substance & a lot of flash, a lot like a video game. Sorry, but I'm no longer going to watch their new Trek. I'm out.

Ratty, I went to see Trek instead of Wolverine, boy am I regretting it!
TA for the phonecall.

Take care all! Later!

May 10th 2009
05:38:24 AM
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I went to see Wolverine not because I think he's hot but because I like action movies with blood and violence c: I heard my mum gasp at the part where he jumped off the cliff naked btw. c:

- Silverjackdaw (Red's Kid)


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