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Remembering Casper

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May 26th 2019
07:23:31 PM
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Scooter Lutterbeck

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Yuma, AZ

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Miss you buddy...we\'ll smoke a cigar while flying together again! Fair winds and following seas Casper.

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March 29th 2018
03:19:19 PM
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Laney Mesquita

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Carlsbad, CA

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Happy Birthday John! Thinking about you all the time. Met a man that lives in my neighborhood recently that knew you from the Marines. His name is Pat Mohr. Such a small world. We exchanged some fun memories we have of you. Miss you. I\'m sure you are celebrating with your pop...thinking about you too Larry :)


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June 8th 2017
10:55:58 AM
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Elliot Mumma

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San Marcos, Ca

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Thinking of you John.

December 17th 2014
01:12:09 PM
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Gretchen (Wiese) Bosacker

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I loved John. We met in the summer of 1995 when I was on rotation at Camp Pendleton during medical school. He showed me the Cobra and opened his heart to me. I was preparing to go home to get married and came within five minutes of canceling my wedding. To this day, I wonder what would have happened had I done that. John\'s heart, friendship and passion for life and the Marine Corps were exceptional. He made me feel like royalty for the short time we corresponded. I wish so much I could see him again. The marriage ultimately failed and my daydreams take me to San Diego so often. The world lost an incredible man - perhaps one of the true loves of my life.

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March 29th 2014
10:24:13 AM
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Laney Williams Mesquita

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Carlsbad, CA

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Happy Birthday John! Thinking about you on this beautiful day in So-Cal!

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January 23rd 2014
12:36:50 AM
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Dwight Weevie

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San Diego

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John you were and will always be a great friend to one of my great friends which says so much about you. I only knew you for a short while but I enjoyed our shared experiences and only wish I could have known you better. Thought of you today and remembered some of your surfing skills which made me smile. You\'re certainly missed.

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January 22nd 2014
09:46:14 PM
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Mike Williams

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John\'s Dad

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Carlsbad, CA

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I felt your presence today and it was good. Your spirit and memories find me often.

The one today was as clear as if it had happened just yesterday ... we were on your balcony in Carlsbad enjoying a beer watching the sunset. You had also just been studying about net present of cash-flows in your MBA program and were trying to explain it to me. I had (and still have) no clue what you were talking about, but what remains with me is the excitement in your voice and glow of pride on your face that you had just nailed a pretty tough concept.

That was a classic John memory for me ... him just being completely in the moment. Even though I sense that your energy is near me know, I still miss you.

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May 25th 2013
06:47:39 AM
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commerce twp michigan

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John, you are missed so much. Thank you for all you did to protect out country. I love you
Aunt Karen

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March 29th 2013
08:38:10 PM
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Suzanne Mumma

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Happy Birthday John.
We miss you

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March 29th 2013
06:29:16 PM
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Laney Mesquita

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Happy Birthday Big Brother. Always in my thoughts...miss you.

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