Prostate Cancer Survivors






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Re: A Brief Retrospective Triggered by a Current Event

Well Don, health wise all my ailments are in winter recess. I did have an iron infusion in March, what a lift that gave me. Probably have another one in springtime. So my main focus has been on a Ranger Tug R21 EC that I purchased a few months ago. I have even created a new bucket list of places to go here in OZ. Will keep it for about 3 or 4 years and I think that will see me out, but in the meantime some adventures to be had.

It is a different world now Don. I think we can be grateful of having our time when we did. When I reflect, even our PCa journeys contributed to an interesting life. The initial trepidation, the learning curve, treatment, Terry and this place, it certainly was one hell of a ride. A while back I went through a goodly number of old warriors on here that completed their journeys. Men that I used to interact with, or as Terry would say, combat with! And I cherished the part that they played in my journey. And reading their stories it seem's like only yesterday.

Enough waffle Don, till next time
John Bonneville

Re: A Brief Retrospective Triggered by a Current Event

Sounds as if both of us are doing reasonably ok. What a blessing!
Hang in there John and stay in touch.
Best wishes. Don