Welcome to Adult Children of Mentally ill Parents Discussion Forum!!! Dedicated to the validatation and encouragement towards one another in tranquil and perilous times a mist the obscure insanity of a loved one.
Quick question: Do you have a husband right now? If so, is he supportive of your protection strategy?
I, too, am the child of a mentally ill adult, my mother, with some of the same diagnoses minus the multiple personalities. I am fortunate that she lives in another state, a good 12 hours drive, or I guarantee she'd be bugging me the same way. There's no way I would let her be around my kids unsupervised, and I am in complete agreement with your feelings in that regard.
My mother is wealthy, so she's "eccentric." If she was poor, she'd be just plain crazy [so to speak]. She can function for limited periods in normal society, but then she has episodes. As a result, she stays away from people most of the time -- a good plan, and I am surprised she has that much presence of mind.
But let her watch my kids for us? No way. Also, DON'T expect anyone else to understand. They don't have to, and you will only sound unbalanced yourself if you try to explain. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt AND the mug. Just do as you see right and stop being concerned with what anyone else thinks about it.
It took me more than 50 years to realize I needed some professional counseling about my feelings. I avoided it because of the stigma associated in my mind with counseling -- Mom did that stuff, so I won't (etc.). Just because you seek help for yourself does not mean you have the same conditions or ever will. It means you are being pro-active to take back your life.
Unfortunately your story is alot like mine!!!!!!!!
I have NO CLUE what's up with the "family" it happened to me too!!!!!!!! It's like her illness is this dark secret that they don't talk about. Sure was sad, as I sure would have appeciated, even a doctor to tell me what symptoms to look for before she becomes a danger to herself or others or to ME!
I think some families are Co-dependant or scard of the truth, or ignorant, or vain afraid someone else might find out the secret!
Now that aside, I wouldn't leave my mom with a cat!!!!!!!!!! Much less a child of any age!!!!!!!!!! I have learned through counseling this word called "Boundaries" and you know what, it has helped me alot!!!!!!!!! Im the one in charge, Im her mother, Ive reversed the cycle to a degree. It's still fustraiting as I tend to sometimes drift back into my child thinking of wanting a mom, but then after being verbally abused again (like that is anything new) I have to put on my courage to create and sytand by my boudaries.
I hope you are doing okay, and that you too can keep your mom on your terms, not hers. As far as the rest of the family if they want to live in denial let them, it's especially common in dysfunctional families! But what is important is for you to have support! I hope you have friends that understand or an understanding couselor!