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July - Summer Craze

Well this is my second try at trying to post. Hope it goes through this time. I apologize for not posting earlier, but it has been a bit hectic since my husband returned to me after being hospitalized for 4 months post COVID infection. In fact the first week of July, following the 4th which was very quiet this year, my husband insisted we attend a funeral for a EMS colleague who passed away after losing his battle with COVID. He went in full dress uniform.

We did get to enjoy some of the nicer July weather having lunch occasionally on our front porch!

Hope you all enjoyed some of the nicer days of July and remained free from the ravages of COVID, because August is just around the corner ! ....Pat

Re: July - Summer Craze - Update

Hi again,

Just wanted to let everyone know, that didn't know already, that my husband is a Lieutenant in the EMS division of FDNY.

I want to say that without the FDNY, I would not have gotten through this in one piece. Along with my friends, they have been there every step of the way to support me mentally and physically. Their Family Assistance Division has taken us to many doctors appointments until we were able to go ourselves since we purchased a handicapped van.

Thanks so much to all who were there for us over those crazy, fearful months. Hopefully, we will continue on the rode to recovery with the assistance of OT and PT.


Re: July - Summer Craze

Hi Pat,

So glad to see Patrick home and getting stronger everyday.
