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Buckeye Bluegrass & Michigan Bluegrass Forum
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Re: Celebrate Sunday, a Holy day

Thanks Kirk, we needed that!

Re: Celebrate Sunday, a Holy day

Sorry for the late message. Sherri is fixing up the place, early spring cleaning and all.

I pray that you all had a blessed week. I also pray that you all praised and worshiped God in your local church. I am requesting that we all attend a local church this coming Sunday. Go with a friend, family or both! You know over the ages the church and people went through an awfull lot of persecussion and suffering. Did you know all the Apostles were murdered for their witness of Christ? They were, burned alive, beheaded, drowned, sawed in half, skinned, flogged, scourged and crucified. A great deal of suffering went on so you would know the love and joy that Christ our Lord and Saviour has.

Cast off any doubt or fear that you may have because some people might tease or taunt you for going to church. Go there proudly and boldly knowing that you will be accepted not for what or who you are but because the church belongs to God and the head of that church is Jesus Christ! Remember what Jesus said: "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first (John 15:18)"

Lets pray, " Father thank you for the glorious kingdom you have for us and all that you have given. Father I call upon the Holy Spirit to guide us to your church and reveal the wonders of your mighty love. Bless us this week and watch over our comings and goings. May this week be a special time for us of reflection and my Jesus show us the way. Jesus is the light, the salt and the way! Thank you father! In Jesus Holy name, Amen."

God bless you

Pastor Kirk