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Re: Celebrate Sunday, a Holy day


I pray everyone had a great week filled with wonders and blessings!

Last week I was explaining the blessings that were mediated through Abraham to all nations and peoples because of God's covenant. That covenant is so holy and strong that it can not be broken no matter what the circumstance.

In Genesis, there are two brothers, Esau and Jacob. Esau being the first born son was about to be blessed by his father. But, before that happened Jacob tricked his father into thinking he was Esau. Therefore Jacob got the blessing. However, Isaac, the father, after talking to Esau learned of the deception. Because the blessing was so holy it could not be changed. We see in Genesis 32:22-32 that Jacob had a conversion and repented at Peniel. God blessed his life greatly. Just as he will with yours!

"Father God, we ask for forgiveness of our sins. We give thanks unto you for the blessings in our lives. Thank you for all things in our lives. Bless our families, friends and those who are ill. We rejoice in your love and grace and sing songs in praise of you. We ask for a hedge of protection in our comings and goings through out the week. Protect us and keep us safe. In Jesus precious and holy name we pray, amen."

God bless you all!

Pastor Kirk

Re: Celebrate Sunday, a Holy day

Happy Sunday,

Blessings to you all from the Father. I will continureon with my topic of last week.

Usually, the blessing that God promised through Abraham was passed on through the first born male in the line. But last week we learned of Jacob, who was not the first born, and there are others like Isaac and Joseph who were also not first born males. Yet were blessed by God! However there is one who is a first born male in the line of Abraham who amplfied the blessing. His name is Jesus.

Galatians 3:14 - "He[Jesus]redeemed us in order that the blessing of Abraham might come to the gentiles through Christ Jesus..." In addition, I will leave you to read Acts 3:25-26. In both these contexts Jesus Christ, the "seed" of Abraham, is the one whom the devine promise that all peoples on earth will be blessed is fulfilled.

So what does this mean? It means great news because, "you are blessed coming in and going out!"

'Father God thank you for all the wonders and mysteries that abound in your Kingdom. Thank you for the blessings in our lives. Thank you for our families and our prosperity. We come boldly before your throne seeking mercy and grace. We ask for your help in areas of our lives that need improving. Bless us through this week and keep our families save. We ask for forgiveness of our sins. We ask for healing on those of us who are ill. In Jesus holy name we
pray, Amen."

God Bless

Pastor Kirk

Re: Celebrate Sunday, a Holy day

Blessed Sunday to you all!

I had a very blessed weekend. On Saturday I went to a Church for breakfast and then I sat in with a bunch of musicans and picked on some bluegrass gospel tunes. They were many people there and all had a great time. This morning, at the church I pastor in, we had a guest bluegrass band, and again I had a chance to pick some blurgrass gopsel tunes. I was blessed all weekend!

One of the important matters was that the word of God was heard during all the music. Each song had an element of Christ in it. I pray that you all have the opportunity like I had this past weekend to play music and witness.

Colossians 3:16 - "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God."

Lets pray: Father, thank you again for all the wonders and blessings. We praise your name and sing songs to you. Fill our hearts with joy and peace. Forgive our sins and guide us. Protect our families and friends. We give you all the glory Father. In Jesus holy name we pray, AMEN!

God bless you all

Pastor KIrk

Re: Celebrate Sunday, a Holy day

Happy Sunday!

I pray you all had a great week. For those who did not I offer up the following:

Ephesians 5:20

...always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

That is right! Give thanks not only for the good things that occur in your lives but for the not so good as well! I am also reminded of Dr. Schuller, who I heard say,"Tough times never last, but tough people do!" Yet this is not what I wanted to tell you all.

Some Christians during their walk with God perform an action called "fasting." Fasting is the abstinence of food and drink, usually for a day. The reason for fasting is to exclude sin from our lives inorder to commune with God. But what I am requesting here is not the abstinence from what goes into our mouths but from what comes out. So, pick a day out of this week and abstain from foul language, words of hate, jealousy, envy and so on. As a matter of fact, do a good deed for someone this week too! Make a difference in your lives, Jesus did!

Lets pray together: "Father I will not forget that you love me, more than I can imagine. Not matter what happens to me I will give thanks to you. I will try and do better this week Father. With You I can do anything and in the end there will be everlasting peace. Father bless my friends and family and those who are in need and troubled. Protect and bless us. Thank you father! You are an awsome God. I give thanks unto you. Thank you! In Jesus holy name I pray, amen."

Have a blessed week, God bless!

Pastor Kirk

Re: Celebrate Sunday, a Holy day

Thanks Kirk, we needed that!

Re: Celebrate Sunday, a Holy day

Sorry for the late message. Sherri is fixing up the place, early spring cleaning and all.

I pray that you all had a blessed week. I also pray that you all praised and worshiped God in your local church. I am requesting that we all attend a local church this coming Sunday. Go with a friend, family or both! You know over the ages the church and people went through an awfull lot of persecussion and suffering. Did you know all the Apostles were murdered for their witness of Christ? They were, burned alive, beheaded, drowned, sawed in half, skinned, flogged, scourged and crucified. A great deal of suffering went on so you would know the love and joy that Christ our Lord and Saviour has.

Cast off any doubt or fear that you may have because some people might tease or taunt you for going to church. Go there proudly and boldly knowing that you will be accepted not for what or who you are but because the church belongs to God and the head of that church is Jesus Christ! Remember what Jesus said: "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first (John 15:18)"

Lets pray, " Father thank you for the glorious kingdom you have for us and all that you have given. Father I call upon the Holy Spirit to guide us to your church and reveal the wonders of your mighty love. Bless us this week and watch over our comings and goings. May this week be a special time for us of reflection and my Jesus show us the way. Jesus is the light, the salt and the way! Thank you father! In Jesus Holy name, Amen."

God bless you

Pastor Kirk