Prostate Cancer Survivors






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Re: Coffee may prevent Pca

Used to drink it by the bucket loads Ed. I must have been an exception, LOL.

Re: Coffee may prevent Pca

Must have passed me over too... Retired Military who lived and still drinks more than my quota of coffee.. Guess there is and exception to every rule!

Re: Coffee may prevent Pca

Just out of interest.

Is there anyone who posts here with P.Ca. who was NOT a coffee drinker ? Or only very small amounts e.g one cup a day.


Re: Coffee may prevent Pca

Not a coffee drinker? That would be me. I do have a cup from time to time, but most days have none.

Re: Coffee may prevent Pca

I have never drunk the stuff - plenty of beer though - and the phytoestrogens in hops are receiving a lot of attention as anti cancer agents - but levels are too low in beer

Re: Coffee may prevent Pca

From Tim ... "but levels are too low in beer"

So we should drink more beer???

PLEASE SAY YES so I can show this to my wife (smile).

Side note ... why am I getting this message at the end of the post ...

(Since this is your post, you have 59 minutes remaining to Edit or Delete)

I edited it but it popped up again.

Re: Coffee may prevent Pca

Aloha MacRob,
I remember drinking a mug of JOE while I was on watch in the Navy, only when it was cold. Heck, I grow the stuff now, but only have a half of cup every couple of months.

Re: Coffee may prevent Pca

Thanks Gentlemen,
Not a huge poll I know but it is interesting to see your comments.