Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Re: Where is everybody??

This is my second effort!Beano it's with deep regret that thanks to Karen I read of your effort to keep the forum on the road I am truly sorry to read that the fingers are not as nimble as they once were and appreciate your input, without a doubt Christmas can be a sad period at times for those who are ill or suffering from the loss of a dear one from the year just gone,with this in mind my deepest sympathies to all of you who are experiencing health problems or recent brevments especially now,to all my friends on the forum I wish you find some relief for any misfortunes that come your way,and hope your Christmas brings some joy and peace Have a nice one Ted

Re: Where is everybody??

Only one reply to my query "Where is everybody", and this is the Christmas season.???

I often think of where I spent other Christmas'es.

Simonstown South Africa, Middle of Suez Canal.Kure Japan, Sasebo Japan. Plymouth England. RAF Brize Norton England, Sydney Australia, Port Adelaide South Australia, New York harbour, McDill Air Force Base.Tampa Florida, 3 in Lisburn since 1945 and a couple at sea in the middle of no where.

When we used to spend the winters in Florida in our condo in Clearwater we usually went with friends to a restaurant for Christmas dinner which was always very enjoyable, really miss those days, but time marches on??

Re: Where is everybody??


Thank you for sharing so many of your memories with us. Yes, we miss the good times of the past and as you say time marches on. Trouble is time seems to go faster the older we get. My best wishes to you and Joy for a peaceful and happy Christmas.


Re: Where is everybody??

Hi Liz, Thank you for your Xmas greetings, and from Joy and I to you and yours a
Very Merry Xmas and a Happy & Prosperous New Year. Mauri&Joy

Re: Where is everybody??

Hi Beano, Sorry to hear about your disability, hope things improve for you and trust it is not a continuing problem. Got any snow down your way yet?, we woke up this morning to a white winter wonderland supposed to get more later on. Anyway here's wishiing you and yours a "Very Merry Xmas" and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. All the Best. Mauri

Re: Where is everybody??

Hi mauri ,
I dont know if you would remember my mother harriet English your name sounds familiar to me , sadly she passed away a few weeks ago if you know her and have any stories about her or the english or coulter family could you get back to me my family would very much appreciate it
Many thanks

Re: Where is everybody??

Hi Gary, My deepest sympathy on the passing of your Mother. I responded to your other message yesterday thinking that you might have been one of the English family on the Longstone however you say in another entry your family is from Lininhall street (probaly spelt that wrong)

Are you still living in Lisburn now? not too many people left there that I know or know me. Anyway Gary this is just to say HI and wish you all the best.
