Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Re: Martin Luther


Always nice to hear from you,glad Francis and yourself are well

Like you say we have slowed down, spending more time at home,for one reason that it takes more time now to do tasks,!

My knee is performing fine, after tinges if I overdo things but no complaints, all down to wear and tear, the years are there as my Doctor reminds me.

We must take every day as a blessing, get on with living, good luck with the gaming machines,we have the lotto? Never won anything in my life but what the Hell, we can always hope.

Love to you both....Pat

Re: Martin Luther

I,ve been to Wittenberg many years ago after the border between East and West Germany fell where Martin Luther nailed his Theses on the door.I also visited his place of birth ( and death) in Eisleben. Thank goodness my Gran did not live to hear that as she would have condemned me for blackening my immortal Soul by even going near such a place. She was the belief that only Catholics would be admitted to Heaven but that was how many of that generation were reared.

Re: Martin Luther

Hello 40,
No "squibs" on Edisto, I am probably the only one here that knows what a "squib" is?
I saw that you were at Myrtle Beach and I think Charleston, but how on earth did you find Shingle Creek on Edisto?
I live on "no name creek", not too far from Shingle and have "fished" on Shingle quite often though not lately.
I presume you have been here? would like to know when?
Are you by chance friends with the O'Leary's from Columbia SC?
They brought quite a few children here during the "troubles".
I met folks from Dunmurry, Lambeg, Derriaghy and Lisburn over the years with
many children from all of those places.
It was wonderful to hear my accent and go right back to it..which I do very easily.
The children were the center of attention and I remember their excitement at being at Edisto.
Would love for all of you to visit, it is a wonderful Island.
Come on I have room.

Re: Martin Luther

Allen, regret that I have not been anywhere near Medisto, looks like a beautiful place when I look it up in the Street App. I have a habit of using this App along with White Pages to locate areas and people with whom I correspond.

My wife Frances and I immigrated to Calgary in 1958 and we lived there for about 30 years before moving to the Parksville / Qualicum area of Vancouver Island, then finally to our retirement home here in Courtenay.

Thank you for your kind invitation to come visit, but regretfully we don’t fly any more, choosing instead to drive and stop at our convenience, usually in the NW states or Western Canada.


Re: Martin Luther

Hi Pat. I had lost my Internet connection and could not reply until now, so thank you for your reply and words of encouragement.
Pat, get the book I mentioned and read for yourself the journey that Scott Hann and his wife Kimberly travelled. I had heard of converts to whatever faith a person converted to but Scott Hann taught me personally a new word...REVERT....He brought home to me the beauty of the faith I thought I knew. Heart Breaking and Heart warming.
An early merry CHRISTmass to all.

Re: Martin Luther


Thanks for replying, I intend to order that book, tho, I believe Life,s experiences learn us great & truthful lessons, IF we take them.

I wish you too a very Happy Christmas pity it is getting earlier every year so to go with the times we must start getting those lights & decorations down from the attic. A difficult job at this age, better wait for one of the grandsons to call.

Hope you will visit the Forum often, we welcome new contributers. Variety is the spice of life. Bye for now.
