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Re: The Happiest Place to live in GB


My last word too.

I agree with all You say but remember WE ARE THE LIVING


Slain Awaile Pat


Re: The Happiest Place to live in GB

Ann / Pat

Home is where the heart is!I sometimes miss norniron but feel very content, happy and secure here in Munich. Probably it is the Celtic connections between Ireland and Bavaria making both races like each other. No doubt having my children and grandkids living beside us helps


Re: The Happiest Place to live in GB

Funny just received an email from my cousin who has a house in Lisburn but normally lives in London and is employed at Heathrow airport. Both her parents who lived in the house long deceased so she has someone in the neighbourhood to look after the house while she is in London. She has just returned from a trip to Vancouver but in her email was complaining about the number of stores closed and the lack of a good restaurant in Lisburn

I was surprised as I remember a few times I was over eating out in good restaurants in the Lisburn vicinity, wasn't there one in OB Grahams old house in Larchfield, I may have got that wrong but always remember being out there one night while on visit to Lisburn and on the return trip nearly going through a barrier of Police and Military this was back in the days of the troubles.

Another one I think was in the Lambeg or Derriaghy area or maybe that was a pub with a dining room. Mauri

Re: The Happiest Place to live in GB

I wonder Mauri would that have been the old Stagecoach Inn on the Derriaghy straight

Re: The Happiest Place to live in GB

Mauri, there are lots of eating places in Lisburn, but I wouldn't recommend every single one. There are a few nice places to eat. I had my lunch last week in the Bistro in Lisburn Square and it is one place I could recommend very much; the food is always first class and the staff are efficient and friendly. A new Italian restaurant has opened in Lisburn Square also. I haven't been but it looks good with little tables outside and attractive lighting inside. Can't vouch for the food but at least it looks the part. Must try there sometime as I like Italian food. Another diner has opened in the Square. I just forget the name but the young people seem to like it, going by my grandchildren anyhow. I was in M&S on Tuesday and had a nice Posh Welsh Rarebit in their bistro. It was delicious.

Re: The Happiest Place to live in GB

To add insult to injury for those who have been offended in some way by the statistics that NI is the happiest place in the UK, I forgot to mention that Belfast is the safest city in EUROPE. Times change, thank goodness, and for the better.

Re: The Happiest Place to live in GB

Ted, Yes the "Stage Coach Inn" was one place that I was in a few times along with another restaurant {pub} in Lambeg and another one up around Castlerobin or just outside the Derriaghy area??.

Ann, My cousin is only in Lisburn a couple of times a year though I think she is going to retire there which is the reason she holds on to the house. Maybe when she is there permantley she will find a good eating spot???. Mauri

Re: The Happiest Place to live in GB

Mauri, while there may not be a lot of large restaurants in Lisburn itself, there are plenty on the periphery of the city. Moira, where my daughter lives, is a popular place for eateries, with live music at weekends. Hillsborough, too, is well known for at least a couple of good restaurants. So, if you have a car, there's no problem in finding somewhere nice to eat. Maybe I'll meet your cousin when she moves back to Lisburn.

Re: The Happiest Place to live in GB

Hi Pat,

I agree with you 100%, and .....this is my last word on the subject


Re: The Happiest Place to live in GB

I have lived the last 17 years of my life in Spain which I enjoyed but something kept pulling me 'home'. I returned to NI in April of this year and am now living very happily in Hillsborough. I have been overwhelmed by the friendliness of the people here and have been made most welcome by everyone. My property in Spain is still there for me should I want to return, my daughter and her husband have taken it over for holidays etc but up to now I have no desire to go back to live there. Home, for me.will always be Northern Ireland.