Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Re: Thanks for the 4th time

Pat etc.
does anyone remember the Weeping Willow in the Castle Gardens? It was between the Convent and the drinking fountain, I remember in the late 40s, just before our mother died sitting with her on a bench below it with my brother Lowercase in a pram and asking her why it was named a Weeping Willow. She jokingly replied, " When one of your children die then you come here to weep"! Last time I was in Lisburn it was still standing.

Re: Thanks for the 4th time

I do remember it Donald ,but many years since I last noticed it ,I use to pass it every morning on the way to school ,must go out of my way and have a look at it first opportunity I get ,Donald it has just struck me I saw a photo of the park after the recent storm and a large tree fell just beside the fountain, hope it's not it !will check Regards Ted

Re: Thanks for the 4th time

do you mean Hilden Park?

Re: Thanks for the 4th time

Sorry Donald I just come across your query ,I mean the fountain in the Castle Gardens at the main entrance ,the tree just missed the fountain ,I wish I knew were I came across the photo I would share it with you We were supposed to be experiencing another storm last evening named Brain but it was downgraded to high winds ,Cheer's Ted

Re: Thanks for the 4th time

I read about those Wallace Fountains, they were a gift to Paris, Lisburn and other cities from Sir Richard Wallace. Brgitte Bardot also owns one.

Re: Thanks for the 4th time


It was said that if you walked round that Weeping willow 3 times you could see the Devil on the top.!

Pat...never dared try it.

Re: Thanks for the 4th time

I did not need to walk around that tree to see him, we were related, I married his sister!!!!