Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Re: Good to be back in the World

Hi Pat,

Delighted to see you back. I would like to add " Our" congratulations on your 65th anniversary, may there be many more.
I have been having trouble posting to the Forum at various times, so I had given up for a while. Mauri Ann and Donald keep us all going. I miss the Dabbler, if you are looking in Joe, I wish you all you would wish for yourself, keep well old friend.
As Mauri has said our weather has been great, I only hope it continues till Sat.(16th). I am sure I have told you in the past we run a Golf Tournament in Memory of our Grandson who took his own life almost ten years ago. My daughter Karen and her Husband Bernie do most of the work every year, to date we have raised over $95,000 the biggest percentage goes to the Mental Health here in Niagara. I must add that we get great support from the Irish and Scots in our area. Long may it continue.


Re: Good to be back in the World

Morning all,

Thanks very much for the congratulations, the years fly past. now I appreciate time more, very day a blessing.

Canadians are enjoying the sun while we are still waiting for it but looking forward to October, maybe things will improve. I think we are getting the affects of the hurricanes as high winds are forecast later today too.

Great work you are doing Beano, suicide is a big problem in Ireland especially amongst the young, very sad.The families left behind suffer the most for a lifetime.

Mauri & Joy Congratulations on your Anniversary too, not many marriages are lasting these days,I wonder why,what about the better or worse bit.? I believe myself that contentment is all, so if not content in oneself, leave by all means.

We,on this Forum,seem to be staying the distance everyway.Great to be back talking again. I missed the company, especially in the mornings as Joe sleeps until 10am or 1100am. & I am here drinking tea so out comes the computer to talk to you all.

I wish you all a good day,enjoy that sun you lucky people in Canada.


Re: Good to be back in the World

Thanks Pat, Hard to believe so many years have slipped in since I first staggered down the Longstone carrying an oversize suitcase at the ripe old age of 15 heading out into the world. When I hear my stepchildren talking about what they are doing or trying to do for their kids in their twenties I have to walk away and let them rattle on to their Mother.

Maybe I am being a little hard but just can't help it when I think of somebody like myself with no parents to back them up,had better shut up before I really get carried away???

Another beautifull day here today and the same forecast for the rest of the week,we can take it??? Mauri

Re: Good to be back in the World

As the old saying goes Mauri We were made of The QUARE AULD STUFF

Re: Good to be back in the World

Right On Pat, In relation to what I was saying, my stepdaughter and husband just back from driving to Ottawa to see their sons settled in their accomadation whilst attending University, one is 23 years old the other 20.???????? Mauri