Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Asparagus and Ruhbarb season begins

if you are looking in Aspapagus and Ruhbarb is on sale here this week, The Asparagus is local ( from greenhouses ) and Peru . The Ruhbarb is also local , Kilo preis €5,99!!!! The Peru Asparagus costs €7,98 per Kilo and the local €24,99. Herself is cooking an Ruhbarb crumble at the minute to take to our youngest daughter´s house tomorrow as we are having a family festival to celebrate herself,s birthday ( 73 ). The Grandkids are coming , except Max as he is studying in Düsseldorf and cannot make it.
Happy Easter all.

Re: Asparagus and Ruhbarb season begins

Donald , Keep taking the rhubarb! as a child we were told it was great for colds, sores, sore holes, and infalmation of the stomach, Donald I'm afraid the Asparsgus didn't ring a bell then in our end of the Low Rd of course Hilden was more suffictacated you's after all had the Dinning Rooms and there Menue's had a lot to offer, in the meantime Bon-Appetete to all at tomorrows Lunch as for ourselves we are also invited for, lunch Rib of Beef and the first glass of wine for 6 weeks , Bring it on Regards Ted

Re: Asparagus and Ruhbarb season begins

I never heard of Asparagus until I came here. Schrobenhausen, an area near here is well known for growing it, now it comes from all over the world. In Hilden we were lucky if we got a Herring on Friday or maybe a chip from the Hilden mill Cantine

Re: Asparagus and Ruhbarb season begins

Donald, It has also became very popular here as well when the season starts M&S make a big thing of it with large advertising etc. regarding Herrings at the price they now get for Ardglass Herrings they are almost a luxury now if you can get them ?