Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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The new President of the USA

I wonder what you all think of the new President of America. Watching the news there seem to be a lot of protests going on about his victory. Personally I found him coming across on TV as a buffoon but maybe that was all for show and to please his supporters. Who knows? It's a strange world all right. He could end up being one of the greatest Presidents of all time even though he has no political or military experience at all. I think his wife could do with a style adviser too. Appearing in a white off the shoulder jumpsuit with a huge split isn't exactly how the First Lady elect would normally dress on her initial television appearance. Compare this to Michelle Obama or Jackie Kennedy's style. Someone close to me mentioned the words "White trash". I intend to agree. They have a lovely little boy who was thrust onto the stage where he stood very uncomfortably on his own for a long time while all the speeches were read out. I liked him and felt for the child.

Re: The new President of the USA

i'm over the moon at trumps victory. maybe now,,, some sense in the world. don't know about norn iron but here nothing gets done because of all your greenies lefties, every thing you can name luvvies no to this no to that all standing on street corners screech ing their heads off but they can afford to do it all on benefits. they 're all on about climate control, the climate has been changing for billions of years. the most vocal are your rich people, anyone ever ask them why they are all spending millions on a house close to the sea.
we may even get some unbiased media reporting,, but i won't hold my breath so, here' hoping go don

Re: The new President of the USA

Tom,I hope your enthusiasm is warranted. We'll see what the future brings but I stand by what I said. Who knows?

Re: The new President of the USA

The only reason Trump won was because of the idiotic voting system they have in the States. They go by points on what is called the College Electoral system whereby points are allocated to each State depending on the population for a maximum of 270 points for the whole country, if it was decided on the popular vote then Hilary Clinton would have won by over two million votes she had more than Trump.
It baffles me how any sensible person would vote for him as he is a racist,bigot and Phoney Baloney. His hangers on are all ass kissers and his newly appointed Chief of Staff a well known White Supremacyst.

If he carries out the threats he made during his campaign God help us all??, the only saving grace is a lot of the threats he made would have to be approved by Congress and while the Repuplicans are in the majority in both houses there are quite a few sensible ones who would vote against some of the more stupid threats. Mauri

Re: The new President of the USA

Mauri, I feel the world is more vulnerable now. I dread Jan when Trump becomes the leader of the world.

Re: The new President of the USA

you are the only one who has any idea about what was voted.
Mauri, you need a lesson in American politics..and
yes I can give it.
Do not have the time right now, so will get back.
Allen Harrison
20 Spruce St.
(near Hilden )

Re: The new President of the USA

glad you agree with me, i feel a new and better world ahead tom

allen, us spruce street people should stick together??

Re: The new President of the USA

Caroline,Allen whatever, With all due respect but I doubt very much that you could give me a lesson in American politics as I was probably living in the USA when you were still learning your ABCs in Lisburn. Women who voted for Trump are out of their minds as he is and has been an abuser of women for years and its only his money that has kept him from being charged. He is an ignorant,arrogant liar. and I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him which is zero. Have a nice day. Mauri

Re: The new President of the USA

Ok Mr Mauri,
Sorry I hit a nerve.
Caroline is my sister, but whatever. I respect that you have
lived all over the world and served in all of their Navys.
My ABC's least I was at William Foote and not your...
dare I say it..Hilden. Oh that's correct, you actually were NOT
at Hilden. Probably in some Navy somewhere ?
The problem I see with your reply is that you made it personal.
Not necessary, make it factual.
I will tell you about the electoral college if you have a minute..
there are 538 electors not 270..that's the majority needed to win.
not the total votes.
This country is not a is a representative REPUBLIC.
Which actually means that everyone is represented.
That is what happened this time.
The "people" voted.
Go Trump.
Even if he should fail, it will be less than the idiot we have had
for the last 8 years

Re: The new President of the USA

Mr Allen, You are right of course about 270 being the majority required not the total in the electoral college system, which is a stupid form of voting and does not contrary to your views represent the feelings of the total population only the popular vote can do that and therefore Hilary Clinton would have been the winner.

Yes I served in three Navies but also served 4 years in the United States Air Force again probably while you were still at William Foote.

I am sure Americans would be surprised to hear that they don't live in a democracy,I must tell all my friends in the USA that they have been living in dreamland and now that Trump will be President should move to Canada, in fact there has been a huge surge in Americans enquiring about immigration requirements re immigrating to Canada since the election. Mauri

Re: The new President of the USA

Just heard now on the news that thousands of US citizens are applying for German citizenship, also the Irish Government have had to recruit hundreds of temporay staff to deal with the number of British citzens applying for Irish since the Brexit vote.

Re: The new President of the USA

Mr Mauri,
I have absolutely nothing personal or anything else against you.
The service you gave is more than admirable to all.
The only service I gave was in South Vietnam as a combat engineer.
A long time away from William Foote, or even for that matter Spruce St.
and Hilden.
Now as far as Americans moving to Canada...go Whoopie, Jesse, Al and maybe even Bill and Hillary.
They talk BS but they know what side their bread is buttered on.

Re: The new President of the USA

allen just 1 word for you bigot

Re: The new President of the USA


We are a friendly bunch on the Exiles. We may never agree, but we don't call each other names.

Who are you anyway, would like to know a bit!


Re: The new President of the USA

Young Sean, come on and tell us who you are and where you live. You can't just leave us in the air like that. Spake up, man.

Re: The new President of the USA

lex i take it you have not read the rest of the posts i take it you dont know what bigot means here is the answer a person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions dont let a few small minded people destroy this site.Ann i have lurked on this site for near twenty years and im like zorro i only appear when i think there are injustices

Re: The new President of the USA

Yes sean i agree with you 100% theres been a lot of nasty comments from so called irish americans keep on lurking like myself sean

Re: The new President of the USA

Caroline or Allen I'm not sure which, Glad to hear you hold nothing against me and congratulations for doing a tour in South Vietnam that would have been when things were just starting to heat up. My war service was two tours in Korea during the Korean war way back in 1950-53. Have a great weekend. Mauri

Re: The new President of the USA

Thanks for your Korean service, few folks on this
site know what that is.
There is a wonderful memorial to you in Wash. DC..
finally. I hope you have seen it? It really makes you feel cold
even in the Summer.
Allen Harrison.

Now I am going to try and deal with a "Lurker".

Re: The new President of the USA

Hello, To begin with, I would like to make it clear that Mauri and I (me) had a good debate. I hope he can agree? There were a few "jabs" here and there but no insults.
Now, if you read your definition of bigot I believe you fit the "bill" perfectly.
I hope I did not offend you, or cause a problem with my "opinion"?
I believe you are a good "Lurker" and you should continue to Lurk for another 20 years.
Maybe by then all the bigots will be gone and your "Lurking" will be justified ?

Re: The new President of the USA

Allan, If you give me your email address I will try and send you a copy of the Australian Korean War Veterans magazine which has an interesting article re the British atomic bomb tests off West Australia in 1952,and although I don't know what field of engineering you are in it may be it may be of some interest to you.

This was sent to me by the President of the Korean War Veterans association in StPetersburg Florida of which I am a member. Mauri

Re: The new President of the USA

Hi all,

Computer back to normal again & reading all the comments of the USA election, all I can say is people get the kind of Government they deserve.

Personally I don't think a Billionaire business man has any interest in the" man in the street" except what use they can be to him or his business.

He will run America like his business ventures,I believe,ruthlessly & with no times for fools like his voters who believe he will being them prosperity,

However like History, time will reveal everything, but looking at the beginning of his term it looks like a disaster for the poorer people, whom no one who has made it gives a s..t.

I am sure no one wants to be living in dire conditions with no hope of better times, it is easy to condemn when not in their shoes, the rich should help the poor help themselves.

Presidents of a country should be above all a President for all his people.


Re: The new President of the USA

allen just googled the meaning of bigot & sean is 100% right on the meaning of bigot what was wrong with calling him sean perhaps that name stuck in your throat lol now sean let us hear what you have to say cmon speak up

Re: The new President of the USA

Mauri you & the overseer from carolina need to get a hotel room together as you both are that far up each others backsides do you not realise when you were being insulted i just cant believe what i have seen from the both of you unbelievable lol

Re: The new President of the USA

I have read your post several times and can NOT figure out what you are saying?
As regards to some ones comments about Mauri and Me,apparently that is something they have experienced? (how would they know?)
(I think these Lurkers only appear when the moon is full.)
Finally, I agreed with the definition of BIGOT, it suited him so well.
Can you let the upcoming President have a chance, or are you so into
Liberalism and Obama that you can't see straight?
Here comes that bigot thing again..I can tell.
My LAST post on this..
Ann, do you remember one time I made the statement that it is amazing
how some of these "threads" turn into ROPE?
Allen ,Carolina Irish ( if anyone can get it correct?)

Re: The new President of the USA

Annie, out of curiosity were are you?
Ireland, America, Alabama , London, LISBURN?
Mexico, Bermuda, running out of places "cause
you are a sad person in this wonderful world.
Allen Harrison.

Re: The new President of the USA

pat, reply to your last post it was the poorer people and rural people of america who voted trump in? they're tired of watching others like the clintons getting rich at their expense. changes are needed and it is hoped a new broom will do it

Re: The new President of the USA


with your wallace high education you dont seem to be very clever why are all your comments about blacks,muslims & democrats etc dont tell me you forgot the low road lingo already hope this clarifies for you and as for your ignorant responce to i must of experienced it dont class me like yourself

Re: The new President of the USA


What is the problem with the clintons dont forget about the republicans & the bushes especially were the biggest tea leaves america has ever known

Re: The new President of the USA

Allen Harrison

yes allen i am sad because ive read your comment about me i really feel sorry for you and were i am from is a better place than were you are shame on you

Re: The new President of the USA

.Come on wee Annie, ye girl ye.

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