Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Pubs of lisburn !

Hi Dabbler & All interested !

Just been on (FACEBOOK)and a Lisburn gentleman photographer ,has a very interesting article on the pubs of Lisburn ,and some lovely photographs ,of outside ,and the interiors .I have ,like everyone else passed by these pubs ,and never got the chance to enter ,as in younger years it was not the usual haunts ,as I was more interested in dancing .
The gentleman,s name is (STEPHEN WALLACE ) And he has some lovely photographs to show .
Myself ,I had taken some photos of the pubs of Lisburn ,when the boss Jim ,was living , and he has entered them on the exiles photo gallery , but the latest photos by Mr Wallace ,are more interesting ,showing the interiors .
Hope Dabbler ,and all enjoy !

Re: Pubs of lisburn !

old lisburn pubs i've just spent about an hour looking at and reading stephen wallace descriptions and stories of their history it was fascinating. i,ve earmarked it for furthur reading mauri, i'm sure you would enjoy it as well. i hope you are recovering well and back to form. i'm off to tasmania tomorrow for three weeks touring the lovely apple isle do you know it? its all go tom

Re: Pubs of lisburn !

Tom, another holiday? I'm envious but delighted to you both. Have a great time and let us know all the news when you return about the sights, scenery, etc.

Re: Pubs of lisburn !

Tommy, I think I mentioned before that I signed off Facebook about a year ago. However, thanks for the information about the old pubs of Lisburn. I'm sure I can look them up elsewhere. Hope you're both well. You would need your Longjohns on this morning - frosty, foggy and cold.

Re: Recipes!

Hi Ann &Dominic

Hope yourselves and the family ,are all well.

we are well also ! any good recipies .

Regards !


Re: Pubs of lisburn !

Tommy. Looking forward to seeing the pictures of the pubs. I think the first pub I was ever in in Lisburn was "Corkens" when I was eighteen years old and on leave from the Navy. During the early 60s when I was home on leave from the MN I used to frequent the "Corner House" in the evening and the "Stores" during the day both now long gone. "Lizzie Drakes" at Halftown was also a favourite and of course the good old "Robins Nest" there was also one at Derriaghy which had a nice lounge bar though I can't remember the name of it. Mauri

Re: Pubs of lisburn !

Hi Tom, Sorry I meant to reply to your posting as well. So you are in Tasmania what gives down there, I have been to Hobart a couple of times and in fact my best mate in the Aussie navy was a Tassie. Should be a little cooler there than on the mainland.???. Mauri

Re: Pubs of lisburn !

Mauri. Was the pub you remember The Stagecoach Inn?

Re: Pubs of lisburn !


Was it the Travellors's Rest. at Milltown. I was only ever in it once I think at a get together when I was getting married in 1965. My grandfather Alec Thompson took the floor with a long rendering of "Master Magraw". Anybody ever hear him?

Re: Pubs of lisburn !

Yes Ann, it was the `Stagecoach`` I really liked it in there.

Liz, I also remember the `Travellers Rest`` though I was not in it very fact if my memory serves me right I was only in it once. Mauri

Re: Pubs of lisburn !

Mauri. Sorry to say that The Stagecoach closed About 20 years ago.

Re: Pubs of lisburn !

i,ve never been on facebook but i goggled stephen wallace and got onto his site and asked for old pubs of lisburn and there it was. very interesting, look it up on goggle.

mauri, the pubs you mentioned i have also been in them. home on leave from raf i had two uncles by marriage living in mckeown street who used corner house and stores all the time. so i joined them, the store was great on saturday night for the sing song. also lizzie drakes and walking from mckeown stret to the low road via wallace avenue i had to call into the robins nest to help the journey?.
tassie is a bit warmer than usual, about 21c now. we;re here for a three week tour or the whole island. it'a a lovely place, reminds me of ireland at times. hope you are keeping well now tom

Re: Pubs of lisburn !

Tom, ON my first Saturday night back in Lisburn after I was discharged from the USAF I was in the Stores and in the back room for the singsong which I really enjoyed. Herbie Topping who owned the Stores was our next door neighbour when I was a kid, his son Sammy was a telegram boy with me during the war and immigrated to Canada during the 50s. I was with him when he died of cancer back in the 70s.Hope you are still enjoying your Tassie trip. Mauri

Re: Pubs of lisburn !

Tom, 21 degrees would go lovely at the minute. Today was wet and dull. Don't know what tomorrow will bring but it definitely will not be what you're getting. Glad you're enjoying the holiday. Think of us shivering in the cold and damp. (when we're outside).

Re: Pubs of lisburn !

Tom, just after googling the pubs of Lisburn. One of my sons was here and he also logged on too as he is very interested in history, especially Lisburn history. It was fascinating looking at and recognising many of the pubs. As I viewed The Hayloft, I noticed a lady standing outside with parcels. I'm almost sure it is Evelyn, Tom McKay's good lady. If not, it is certainly her very double.

Come on, Tom, tell us if it is Evelyn.

That was a great site to visit right enough. I haven't read everything but I will at a later stage. Glad I looked it up. It's great that some people take time and make the effort to compile such interesting topics for us. Many thanks to Stephen Wallace.

Re: Pubs of lisburn !

Hi Ann,

You are right about Evelyn outside the old Hayloft, I am equally sure that the picture was taken by Thomas himself. Come on Tommy my old friend...tell us the truth, is someone taking credit for your picture.


Re: Pubs of lisburn !

Hi Billy & Ann

Yes it is indeed Evelyn ,and it was taken a while back , when the boss (Jim )was living ,and I was doing the rounds ,of the exterior of the Lisburn pubs . Stephen Wallace has done a better job ,as he gone further ,and taken photos of the interiors of some of the pubs . I always wondered ,over the years ,what it was like inside the pubs in Smithfield ,but never had the courage ,to go in .Although when we were younger ,we were more interested in chasing girls ,than drinking .
Evelyn has been my model ,over the years on some of my photos ,and on another subject ,she has great been very patient ,standing waiting ,while I have been taking photos of different places .
When you have both mentioned ,the photo of the Hayloft ,I had forgotton about it ,and thought it had been swiped ,along with some others .
I hope the (Bard)Dabbler has been looking at the photos ,of (Stephen Wallace ) as I am sure he would enjoy reminiscing ,about the Smithfied House ,and the Hertford Arms .
All the best for now, and looking forward to your visit Billy .
Regards! to Ann &Dominic .And all Exilers!