Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Young Love

In the Wallace Park in Lisburn

As the sun lay down to rest

I sat on a bench or in the grass

With the girl that I loved best

We were young and innocent

Of troubles yet to come

I kissed her warmly on the lips

And hoped she wouldn't tell her mum

I loved that girl as much as any

I've known before or since

She loved me too, though I didn't have a penny

The thought now makes me wince

I thrill to the memory of those nights

And I feel a tear close by

As I hear her speak of lover's bites

With a twinkle in her eye

The Wallace Park, it stands there still

The girl, perhaps now gone

But I still think of that verdant hill

When I wake in the early dawn

Re: Young Love

Oh to be young again and enjoy once more the fitness,thrills and experiences which we took then for granted. No cash, lighting a cigarette two or three times to make it stretch and counting our few pence to see if we could afford a chip. I remember coming home from Mackies in the early 60s, eating a sparse meal after trying to remove the oil and grime from my hands with cold water in the jawbox, then walking up the Lisburn Road or Lowroad to attend evening classes in the Tech 4 nights a week.Those were the days my friend!

Re: Young Love

You are so right. I have trouble today filling in a form online.

Re: Young Love

Nice wee poem, Dabbler. I think back many a time to the days when I was young. Wouldn't it be great to feel like a 17 years old again just for an hour. To experience the energy, optimism, pain-free joints and wrinkle-free skin; however, on second thoughts, perhaps that would be a shock to the system. Just better, as nature intended, to grow old gracefully. But still................ just for an hour.!!!!

Re: Young Love


I loved the poem as always, great stuff......those were great days,
lots of memories. Unlike Ann, I couldn't go back even for "just one hour"


Re: Young Love


It is nice to travel back in memory. I remember how differently the society in which I then lived regarded life. I am not sure that older folk think much differently today, but certainly the younger set have a different attitude. Today, boys and girls - maybe not strictly religious - have equality in sexual matters. In my youth, a lad of sixteen seeking sexual satisfaction was doing what comes naturally. A girl would have been regarded as a ride. {Lucky boys who went with them!} ;-)

Re: Young Love


Unlucky is the word.! Where did they end up.? Women are supposed to lead men, not give in to their selfishness & as the Missionaries said "Unleash the reins of Passion"

Women are born to be natural leaders, where would we be without the teachings of our Mothers.? Everyone is allowed a mistake or even two, but not as a normal occurrence.

The state of some young people today is due entirely to selfishness & thoughtlessness for others, no control of selves.

Life is not a bowl of cherries! More like a plate of mixed chillies.


Re: Young Love

You are a nice woman, fortunate to retain your faith through unbelievable challenges, so I would not wish to attempt to change your mind. Enjoy your illusions, and thanks for reminding me of why I was a virgin at twenty.

Re: Young Love


I am not given to illusions, my Faith is a Gift from God. It is there, for everyone, for the taking, trust is a virtue.

My Faith is not a blind Faith, it has been shaken & stirred many times but never lost.

I find nothing to replace it, the words of Faith are as revelant today as 2000years ago, even more so today.

The World would be a better place if everyone had Faith in the teaching of Christ

"Heaven & Earth will pass away but My words will not pass away."


Re: Young Love

Muslims, including IS say much the same about their faith.

Re: Young Love


You could have fooled me.
