Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

Lisburn Exiles Forum
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When is the summer coming?

Way back in April we had a beautiful week of warm, sunny weather. I took full advantage and I'm so glad I did. Since then, we've had very little but cold winds, rain and even snow one day, albeit for only a few minutes. We've had very heavy rain and sleet too. Today is another cold one and rain is forecast for the next few days too. I expect the shops will soon have sales to sell off their summer clothes, as I'm still in my winter garb most days and I'm sure most other people are too. The summer clothes have hardly been worn so far this year. I notice from the weather forecast that London and surrounding areas have been getting sunny weather and high temperatures, so the sun is definitely in the skies, only not here in the north. I'm a bit fed up with it, just a bit. On the positive side, one of the bedrooms needs painting and papering, just the job for a wet week. The front gates have been removed and are in the garage, standing ready to be re-painted a vivid red, another job for a wet day. However, give me the sun and some heat and the other work can wait until winter.

Re: When is the summer coming?

Summer weather will arrive Wednesday.Certain!

Re: When is the summer coming?

Dabbler, I'll hold you to that. Mind you, I have a hair appointment on Wednesday so will be unable to sit in the garden IF the sun does, indeed, shine. Dabbler, saw a good write-up in the Irish News about your niece Aileen. She was also shown speaking on BBC NI news last night.

Re: When is the summer coming?

Thanks Ann.

Re: When is the summer coming?

Beautiful day here in Southern Ontario with the temperature around 70oF and nice and sunny, still a few degree's lower than what is should be at this time of the year but still enjoyable. Now that we are into June things should really warm up. Mauri

Re: When is the summer coming?

We did have a nice day today, but with a cool breeze. Tomorrow rain is forecast once more.

Re: When is the summer coming?

In the Vaterland today was as high as 30C, we sat on the balcony and later went to Maria Eich, a church near Munich and on the way home called into a nearby Biergarten owned by the Evangelist tradesmens Association. Herr lowercase knows it as he was there after getting lost in the surrounding forest with me