Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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One of the mills i worked in was stewarts mill then island mill and finally hilden mill,anyone remember the jew boy from ballinderry,he worked in the island and is long dead now and he always wore a heavy top coat winter and summer they used to say it would take an operation to remove it,he also followed the horses in the bookies in antrim street jack mckees,if anyone called him buckles he would have got very angery and his face was always a mass of blackheads his name was jimmy morrison


The only Jimmy I remember was Jimmy McCormick ( from Longstone?) who worked in Hilden mill 55 years ago in the New Gill, he was a trucker and "bobbin slider". Later I heard from Davy Smith he was the doorman in the new Hibs Club at the top of Chapel Hill


Donald Sorry to say Jimmy has now been dead a few years now .


Ted, That wouldn't be the same Jimmy McCormick that I remember who used to wander up and down the longstone area and was kind of a simple soul who was always being teased by the kids includng myself during the war years.Just wondering. Mauri


No Maurice The Jimmy you mention came from the Causeway End he was much older than the Jimmy in question ? This Jimmy lived about the Green ,he was a good hearted character and well known about the Longstone . Regards Ted


Ted, That wouldn't be the same Jimmy McCormick that I remember who used to wander up and down the longstone area and was kind of a simple soul who was always being teased by the kids includng myself during the war years.Just wondering. Mauri

That jimmy lived a few doors from me in pump lane/ridgeway st,he carried buckets of water to the people on causewayend road from a well he was a very simple minded man he did that for years and on his way home he would close any gates that were open to peoples driveways