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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Rambling Thoughts

Good Day everybody hope you are all having a good day. Nice and warm and sunny here in Southern Ontario hard to believe we were having record breaking low temperatures a short time ago but "Hey" thats life in Canada, and although rain showers forecast for tomorrow we have a nice long hot summer ahead of us.
Not much response to my story of the color problem in the US Forces. I first ran into that problem when I went out to South Africa in 1947 they really had a color bar there then. I remember visiting family friends outside Durban and like most white South African families then they had a coloured maid called Mary who by law was not allowed to sleep under the same roof but had a little shack in the back yard to live in when not required for household duties, I always remember her bringing me a cup of tea in bed in the morning which for a 17 year old by now used to strict Navy discipline was really something. Even in the 60s when I was in the Merchant Navy and worked on a couple of Union Castle ships that were on the South African run very little had changed,though I believe it has now.
It was the same when I was posted to Florida in the USAF, I remember getting on a bus and going to the back to sit down when a coloured man told me you must sit at the front of the bus and also in those days there would be a bunch of us drinking in the Base club and decide to go downtown. While on base because it was Federal Territory there was no colour bar but as soon as we left the base the coloured guys had to go to their own bars as they were not allowed into the white bars that we were going too. That of course has all changed now Thank God. Enough for now. Mauri

Re: Rambling Thoughts

another interesting yarn from your past life mauri i think that back then africa may have been part of the commonwealth

Re: Rambling Thoughts

My grandchildrens' other grandad, deceased, represented SA when twice finishing fourth in Mr Universe contests in the mid fifties. Just sayin'.

Re: Rambling Thoughts

Mauri, another chapter from your life. As you say, some of those things have changed, but there is still a lot of racial discrimination in the world. Here in NI there have been racist attacks on people from Poland and other countries who have been trying to settle into the communities here, working hard and doing no-one any harm. Homes have been burnt out and a recent attack included one in which a week old baby and its parents had to be rescued by neighbours. Another one, just the other day, involved a girl from Lithuania who had her beauty parlour burned out. The people in the area have given her their support but it demonstrates the hatred that is still inside some people.

Re: Rambling Thoughts

Here, here, Ann. Some people always need an enemy. Pam

Re: Rambling Thoughts

This is what I had posted about Racialism and got spammed,another try.
Two of our fiends took Doreen and I out for dinner to a nice restaurant in Buffalo N.Y.,our young waiter was black.not unusual. However two louts at another table called him a "******"my friend told them to watch their mouths,one said what do you call them where you come from, me, I just call one Son-in-Law.....what a comeback line. Ron's daughter's husband is "Black" and from L.A.


Re: Rambling Thoughts



Re: Rambling Thoughts

Ann, I was surprised to hear about those racist incidents in Northern Ireland, as I understand it people are free to move around the European Union countries which I believe the UK is part of so why are some of the locals getting upset.
I remember In Australia during the 50s when the Aborignals were prohibited by law from consuming alcohol a Aborignal soldier in the Australian Army and just recently returned from the Korea War was arrested for attempting to buy beer in a local pub. He appeared before a Magistrate who when he heard the charge stated, I am compelled by law to fine you 20 pounds but in my view the law is an ass especially as you are serving your country so I will pay the fine and Wish you Good Luck. Not sure if that law is still in effect or not. Mauri

Re: Rambling Thoughts

mauri, was spammed there?? i enjoy your stories.
aborigines can now buy grog, if they want. tom

Re: Rambling Thoughts

Mauri, the people who carry out these racist attacks aren't interested in the EU. They probably wouldn't know the EU if they tripped over it. All they know is that the people are not from this country and that is enough, in their twisted minds. It's ignorance and there's very little can be done about that.

Re: Rambling Thoughts

Beano, how hateful that people are still of this mind. As I say, ignorance is the cause. I hope your friends showed their contempt ignoring these louts. That's all you can do.

Re: Rambling Thoughts

Tom, Glad to hear that the Aborignals can now consume alcohol legally and also that you enjoy the stories, I see where Aden is under threat of the rebels in Yeman, I wonder what they use the old military hospital for now wasn't it on Steamer Point? Mauri

Ann, You are right, there are so many ignorant people in this world and as you say not too much can be done about it. Mauri

Re: Rambling Thoughts

hi mauri,
yes the hospital was at steamer point, it's a bit funny watching the news about there, when we were there everything was in good order, around the bases, but we were not wanted and a bit dangerous off the bases , wonder if they are any better off now?.

Re: Rambling Thoughts

Tom. When I was in the recovery ward of the RAF Military Hospital at Steamers Point,somebody suggested going down the hill to the NAAFI Club and getting a case of beer, all eyes looked at me as I was the only civilian in the Ward (Merchant Seaman) and therefore not subject to any discipline if caught. So putting on a shirt and a pair of pants off I went over the wall and down the hill. Bought a case of beer and lugged it back. Now every night there was a rounds inspection of the wards so we decided to hide the beer in the water tank of one of the toilets untill after rounds.
Unfortunatley during the rounds one of the senior NCOs with eyes like a hawk spotted the bottles of beer in the water tank and came into the ward screaming what he was going to do to whoever owned the beer. I immediatley said I do and of course his whole attitude changed as he had no control over me. "Sir it is against regulations to have alcohol in the hospital."Well I said if you don't tell anybody I won't either, and with that he turned round and left the ward. Several of us then had a little party???. Mauri

Re: Rambling Thoughts


Nice one. It takes an Irishman to defuse a situation.

