Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Time to let go.

Readers who have watched and cringed throughout the years as I egotistically bared my soul with schmaltzy verbosity will not be surprised to see this public display of self-pity.
I have Parkinsons Disease.
That prevents me doing many of the little things I have been doing all my life. Soon, I suspect, even typing will be beyond me, so I will close here with customary aplomb. My paranoid-like intuition has not helped me to discover WHO replied to me on many occasions, but, to all of you - THANKS!
Joe Reid.

Re: Time to let go.

Sorry to hear that but it´s not the end on the world. With the progress that the medical world has made in the past few years treatment and prolongation are much more advanced than a generation ago. Keep the old chin up

Re: Time to let go.

Dabbler, There's years left in you yet. Don't let the b......d grind you down. Keep going as long as you can, if you don't use it you will lose it. Sure what would we do without you. I know you do not believe but you will be in my prayers everyday. O K. Pamela

Re: Time to let go.

Dabbler, I am devastated to hear of your recent diagnosis. You must feel in shock, as I know I would be and am. However, as Donald says, there is so much advancement now into treatment for Parkinson's and other diseases that it's not the end of life as you know it. I do hope you will continue to keep us informed on books, TV programmes, current affairs and many other of the things we enjoyed hearing about from you. I know it will be of little comfort but at least you are not suffering from Alzheimer's, as is a cousin of mine, same age as myself. Dabbler, try and be positive, and know that we are all rooting for you. Best wishes.

Re: Time to let go.

Donald et al. My illness is not life threatening and does not bother me. I enjoyed Eamon's pole dancing retort.
My darling daughter-in-law set aside far bigger worries to take me for a checkup, where the GP diagnosed my condition. I hope that my lovely blonde Scandinavian relative, with breasts like Ursula Andress, will forgive me telling the world how lucky I am to know her.Awaiting a mastectomy, she arranged for ME to be checked for age related problems. In the surgery, this wonderful woman filled me with pride as she put an arm round my shoulder and told the GP that she had brought her lovely father-in-law for a checkup.
So, no; I won't give up.
I even got a kick out of a thank you note for the chocolates I left at the hospital last week - Debbie must have bothered to look up my address.
Barney, AP's win today brought tears to my eyes. We'll never see his like again.
Thanks again everyone.

Re: Time to let go.


So sorry to hear of your diagnosis, but it is not the worst one to receive, my nearest neighbour has Parkinson's this last 10 years & my dearest school friend has it 30 years.

It is a slow illness & at this time great strides in medicine are nearer a cure. Stay positive (however hard) & take each day at a time. We all have to at some stage in life.

Any of us could be next, so make the most of each day, it is a lovely time of year, enjoy it, you an intelligent man, you will be now use that to learn more of life.

You will be in all our prayers, God is good, trust in Him, all you need is Love. God bless,
