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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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lisburn a city of empty shops video

Re: lisburn a city of empty shops video

Barney, I haven't watched the video as I don't even need to. Lisburn, once a great place for shopping, has gone to the dogs. While there's plenty of roadworks going on just about everywhere in town, the shops would need to improve or it's all money being wasted putting in new fountains and all the rest. Who wants to shop in Lisburn nowadays? As I said before, Ballymena is much superior with a far more extensive range of shops and boutiques. Same goes for Newry and probably Banbridge too. Pamela could let us know about this. We don't even have a Debenhams store. Certain perfumes, which Boots should have in stock, are only available in Belfast. Lisburn - the city with nothing but roadworks.

Re: lisburn a city of empty shops video


What about Sprucefield Centre, we visit it when we are in Lisburn, lovely food in M & S & also very reasonable in the other restaurant on the left...."Benny & Bens" or some name like that you will know it.

Marks always has lovely merchandise & we always meet someone we know there, the Mall in the town is not & a bad place either, handy & busy on Saturdays . Also like the Heritage Centre & the Cathedral has a grand wee coffee shop after your tour of the Church.

Notice I am mentioning food & drink, time for Breakfast...

Pat ))]

P.S. We have a framed picture of Lisburn, Castle St., in 1775, beautiful then, modernisation spoils everything.

Re: lisburn a city of empty shops video

I don't believe this I have just been spamed, that's the first time it has happened to me. I was replying to Pat and Ann, and I never said a cuss word. Honest. Will try again later with a shorter message. Pamela

Re: lisburn a city of empty shops video

Pamela, I was referring to the town centre in Lisburn. In fact, I was in the town centre on Saturday and there might have been 2 dozen people there. Yes, The Mall and Sprucefield are busy but the town itself is dead. The heart of the town has gone and still they're digging away - for what? GOLD MAYBE.!!!

Re: lisburn a city of empty shops video

Ann, I don't mean I disagree with you about the shops in the town centre. I was saying I didn't believe I was Spammed. We were in Lisburn a few weeks ago on a Tuesday and I could not believe how few people were about. We were on the second floor of the multistory, usually it would be the fourth floor. Maybe things will turn around if this recession ever ends. Pam

Re: lisburn a city of empty shops video

worst place i was ever in for closed up shops was Tomb Bridge, Gloria had spotted a good offer in the hotel there for the weekend so away we went, only shops i seen open was bookies newsagents and a charity shop rest was covered with windows containing shopping scenes painted on them like goods /butchers etc

Re: lisburn a city of empty shops video

Pamela, I must apologise. I replied to you instead of Pat regarding the centre of Lisburn. Nothing to do with age of course!!!!!!!!