Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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My Tablet

The Tablet my sons bought me for Christmas is the best thing ever. I never thought I would prefer this piece of technology to a book but I honestly do. It's brilliant and I am reading far more than ever. A wee man/woman pops up to help if I press "Help" - think I told you this before. It's the greatest invention, for me anyhow.

Re: My Tablet

Hi Ann

My wife Evelyn bought me a tablet also for Christmas . And so far it is most enjoyable . Just got a book on instructions , and I hope to learn some more . It is very light ,and sharp for photos . Maybe you will now get Dominic on your laptop .
All the best of enjoyment ,with your new tablet !
PS It is a Samsung Galaxy s 10.5 Bronze

Re: My Tablet

Hi Ann
I should refer to my last statement , regarding Dominic and the laptop . I meant give him the laptop , and he can surf the net .
You know what I mean !

Re: My Tablet

Tommy, "get Dominic on my laptop". You know he wouldn't fit. However, Dominic has just confirmed that he has absolutely no interest in computers or laptops. He says they are just a passing phase!!!!!!!!!! He'd rather have the paper any day.

Re: My Tablet

Hi Ann

Just made a comment , and I have been SPAMMED ,for the first time , its like been caned at school .Imagine things like this happening at our age HaHa!

Re: My Tablet

Tommy scan your device thoroughly for viruses. The fact that some messages are being read as spam and other people have no trouble would indicate infection on spammed devices.

Re: My Tablet

Eamon, as I said before, there are no viruses on my computer and yet I am spammed as and when the computer decides.

Re: My Tablet

Hi Eamon

Many thanks for the help , but I am scanning my computer ,as often as I can . But as I was told one time .This is just one of lifes rich tapestries.
Happy new year to you and the family .
Regards !