Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Old Friends

"Well Well", Wonders never cease, out of the blue I had a telephone call from an old female friend in Lisburn somebody I hadn't heard from in years, like most of us she is now well up in years and was phoning to tell me that her husband who was also an old friend of mine had died a couple of months ago, Joy my wife had also met them a couple of times on trips over to the UK and we had had several enjoyable evenings out with them, then as often happens with friends we lost touch, even though it was a sad call it was still nice to hear the voice of an old,old friend. Mauri

Re: Old Friends

Mauri, I'm sure you felt good that you hadn't been forgotten. I think about people from school and work all the time, but they wouldn't know that. I hope some of them think about me too.

Re: Old Friends

Ann, I meant to reply to you at the same time I answered Dabbler,but the old brain didn't let me.???
Yes it was a nice feeling to think that she hadn't forgot me, though sometimes when I returned to Lisburn after a long absence and I mean long?? it was embarrasing when somebody spoke to you and you couldnt remember their names as happened to me a couple of times, I was in my 30s walking along Bow Street with an old male friend when a woman with two kids stopped me and wanted to know how I was and where had I been etc,I had no idea who it was untill we both went our seperate ways and my friend told me who it was, a girl I had been out with a couple of times when on leave in my teens who was of course now married with a family. talk about feeling stupid.?? Mauri

Re: Old Friends

That's a nice surprise, Mauri. Good job she still had your number. I was in England many years before I could afford a phone.

Re: Old Friends

I was lucky Dabbler, even though we moved over a year ago I still kept the same phone number. We never had a phone while I was growing up in Lisburn, in fact even when I was in the RN and sometimes wanted to contact my Grandparents I would phone Jim Collin's Father's shop and someone would run over to get them to come over to the phone. I still remember the number Lisburn 3271.
While my Mother who lived in Belfast had a phone I never called there in case my Stepfather who didn;t like me answered the phone in fact he barred me from his house, he was a real nice guy ?????? Mauri

Re: Old Friends

i love the humour. The stepfather...

Re: Old Friends

Mauri, in town this morning, a couple went past in the Mall. Dominic told me that the man spoke to me by name. I didn't see nor did I hear him. I wonder who it was.

Dabbler, I agree with the humour about Mauri's stepdad. Pity, though.

Re: Old Friends


You are a survivor, Joy & yourself are an example to us of keeping young at heart.

We cannot account for other peoples likes or dislikes, that is their problem.

We like you so as Brendan Behan said "F... the begrudgers"


Re: Old Friends

Thanks Pat,Ann & Dabbler, Meant to reply to you guys days ago but the old mind let me down. Hope all is well with you all. Mauri

Re: Old Friends

Dunno what elicited the Brendan Behan quotw, but I met his brother Brian. Inever met 'The Quare Fella' himself, but read a lot of his stuff. And I was once the proud owner of a -brand new- vinyl record called Arkle, on which Dominic sang.It takes all sorts!