Lisburn Exiles Forum

(Site is no longer operational pending a major long overdue overhaul of the entire website. Thank you for your patience. Site should still be visible and searchable for old posts.)

The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

Lisburn Exiles Forum
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Let's see if this goes through. I am awaiting Pat and her daughter, Sheena, for a short visit. Have cleaned the house thoroughly and prepared a nice Sunday lunch for them. Looking forward to seeing them both and exchanging Christmas presents. Will keep this short for obvious reasons but will let you know how the visit goes.

Re: Visitors

And yez are complaining about being ignored.

Re: Visitors

As I have said, writing, for me, is kinda therapeutic. It is nice to get a response, but not essential.

Re: Visitors

Dabbler, I agree with you. However, I was giving Pamela an example of how we can all be ignored at times and that she wasn't being singled out.

Hello Pamela.

Re: Visitors

Hallo you two, if I don't post here you will think you are being ignored. Pam

Re: Visitors

Hallo you two, if I don't post here you will think you are being ignored. Pam

time naybe the site moved on with the timeslook at face book plenty of members post there where one can stick up photos or share them etc instead of being stuck in the mud as we are here now

Re: Visitors


We were in muck before & we will climb mountains again, wait & see, we cannot let Jim down by giving up, he didn't.

Sing the song "We will survive" Pat