Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Re: Bradbury's Buildings

All these names from the past. I remember Rosaleen being engaged to Vincy Weir. I also remember Patsy Whitby (Rosaleen's brother) who married Pauline Bradley. I think both Patsy and Pauline are now dead, unfortunately. Pauline went to school with me also.

Vincy Weir was my late brother Joseph's sponsor at Confirmation. Joseph took the name Vincent.

The late Dessie Turley went to the Tech same time as me. He was a nice boy at that time. I went to primary school with Lily O'Reilly, very tall girl, quiet. I knew Dessie had died and that Lily re-married.

Who else were we discussing?

Re: Bradbury's Buildings

is that the Vincie Weir from Hilden who lived next door to the McShane family in Bridge Street?
If so he was best man at my Uncle Ronnie,s wedding and I think related to the Lunn family who lived there.
Im sure it is the same Vincie he worked at the glazing and was from the Hilden area,not sure about who he was related to though, i think he was living in Knockmore housing estate when he died,Vincie was a very quiet unassuming lad when i knew him and as straight as a die

Re: Bradbury's Buildings


Ann is right. Our cousins are no relation to the Mc Keown's you refer to in Barrack Street, different families. No Theresa in our family names, but I do know the ones you speak about'

Joe remembers Tommy John, he once said he was "getting toughened up for the hod". He was a labourer in the building trade then. I think he was the only son in that family of girls. Kathleen was in my class at school.

Names sometimes mislead us, especially when the families live close to each other.



i mind that one about Tommy John for it was me he said it to i probably told it to Joe, doubt if TJ could have carried seed to a canary at that time,or hot water to a midwife

Re: Bradbury's Buildings

Dabbler, the Lundys were related to us. Pat could tell you the right way of it, but I'm almost sure old James Lundy was my maternal grandmother's first cousin.

Re: Bradbury's Buildings

I remember Betty, Marie, Shirley, Arthur, and Gerald. And Sam, who had a stammer, and sang in the Chapel Choir. I THINK I recall a name like 'Shaddy", the mother.

As something of a midget myself, I'm in no place to talk, but I seem to recall TJ as a real skinny-m'-link. I wrote here previously that I remember - and who could forget? - TJ's mother, outside the Wee Hall, where there was a disturbance, telling big Robert Keegan, a giant of a man;
"Go and get TJ outta there, before he wrecks the place!"

Re: Bradbury's Buildings

I remember Betty, Marie, Shirley, Arthur, and Gerald. And Sam, who had a stammer, and sang in the Chapel Choir. I THINK I recall a name like 'Shaddy", the mother.

As something of a midget myself, I'm in no place to talk, but I seem to recall TJ as a real skinny-m'-link. I wrote here previously that I remember - and who could forget? - TJ's mother, outside the Wee Hall, where there was a disturbance, telling big Robert Keegan, a giant of a man;
"Go and get TJ outta there, before he wrecks the place!"


Yes TJ was like a pull through for a shotgun,but a harmless and carefree character,big Robert a hodsman also,I knew him well and his brother Johnny their sister was married to John Carrol.
regarding Sam Lundy he may have been those Lundys grand uncle,well Sam won four gold medals in the Feish (did i spell that right)competitions that were run each year,Count John McCormack that great Irish tenor in those bygone years won three so you can judge for yourself how good Sam was,he did make a couple of recordings many years ago,i heard one of them on the radio donkeys years ago,Macushla it may have been he recorded cannot be sure now.
another great singer was Tatchy Harbinson ,Joe and Josie McKee lived next door to us down the lane and on a friday or saturday night Tatchy would come home from the pub with Joe and he would be singing away till 2 or 3 in the morning,on the Causewayend Road where he lived, there used to be a big tree and many a week end Tatchy would be singing away under it, he was what you would call a lyrical tenor,carefree days indeed they were, if it happened today i think they would send for the men with the white coats to take you away.

Re: Bradbury's Buildings

Dabbler, see Arthur sometimes on a Sunday morning. He's a good looking man - I notice these things. The boss and he must have gone to school together as they sometimes have a quick word. His wife is blonde and good looking too.

I was speaking to Shirley in town last week. Shirley whose hair was jet black is now blonde.

How does that happen to us ladies I wonder? I mean, we're all the same, we go a shade lighter as we get older. Well, except for the idiots who stay "black" and look ridiculous with their paler skin tone.

Away for a shower now that the boss has finished his ablutions. In fact, I'll wash Rachel's hair and let her shower first.

Re: Bradbury's Buildings

I ought to remember you. Shaun (Nick) is/was my cousin. The Clarks lived over the bridge in the County Down. Sally lived opposite the Big Hall down Stewarts? Court. Kevin was from Lurgan. Davy was killed in Cyprus. Edie Coulter was Billy Coulter's sister - Linenhall Street. Like the Lundys, all of whom I knew well. Billy Coulter wsa a staunch Protestant, who lived almost directly opposite the Lundys, devout Catholics. Thanks for all your input. I hope your wife is feeling better.

I got mixed up in my courts/entries
i made a mistake naming Bullicks Court when i mentioned about the people who lived there,maybe it was Stewarts Court,the Sally Coulter i knew best lived a few door from us in the lane and not in Stewarts Court, she had a sister Edna and a brother Johnny or Edmond played a lot of football, him or his son i think played for Linfield.
The Coulters father Edmond was a Pidgeon fancier there were a few more Pidgeon men in the area then

Re: Bradbury's Buildings

That sounds about right, Brendan. Edna had a nice speaking voice as a teenager, (and lovely legs, as I once told Sally, who, fortunately had a good sense of humour).

Re: Bradbury's Buildings


I will tell you why the people you refer to in Ridgeway St etc were afraid of the dark. Too late now, I am going to bed, but I heard tales told of that Street & environs that would make your hair curl in the dark.

I will tell the tale after the w/end as I am off to Kilkee if the weather keeps fine. Have to build up immune system before this swine flu hits in the Autumn. The old & the young are at risk.

According to pundits we have to soak up Vitamin C, sunshine & healthy air. Keep out of crowds, do our shopping early morning or late evenings when few are in the shops, avoid airports & long haul flights.

The signs are negative, the bees are another tale.


Hurry back, Pat. I'm all ago, especially about the bees.

Re: Bradbury's Buildings

Was in Lisburn today and took a drive up Chapel Hill stopped at Hagues Bar to see the name of the building i had mistakenly thought was Bradbury's Building's
its Hilltown Building's,so where is Bradbury's Building's????????? now

Re: Bradbury's Buildings

Along with the old Hill Street, BB has gone to the place where all old buildings and streets go - into the memory bank.

Re: Bradbury's Buildings

Pat, I said I was all 'ago'. Probably true, but of course I meant agog.

Re: Bradbury's Buildings

Dabbler, I knew you meant 'agog'.

I cannot answer for Pat about the bees. BUT, I watched a programme last night about the disappearance of thousands, perhaps millions, of bees. Not in just one country, but many countries. Even predators that would usually scavenge the honey are leaving the hives alone.

Investigations of different types were carried out. Pesticides were tested on some bees and lots of other trials done. The bees' guts contained loads of bugs. I didn't watch the whole programme as I had IBS and had to retire to bed. BUT, from what I could gauge, the bees are suffering from something like AIDS in humans. And, again, as far as I could make out, not having watched the whole programme, this was down to certain pesticides destroying the bees' immune systems.

It was very very interesting and I would love to see the programme again, when I might enjoy it better.

Wonder is that what Pat is referring to? She's still living it up in Kilkee, so no doubt she'll be on like a flash when she returns.


Re: Bradbury's Buildings

It's always nice to hear from you. Or any nice, decent people. Even if not in a flash. And I'm not joking.

We N Ireland people do say daft things, don't we?
Like: It must be over there, mebbe?
Heard that recently.

Re: Bradbury's Buildings

The other half is a big fan of Holland Barret health foods,Manuka Honey my god the prices you would think it wae gold dust they were selling 24 quid for about a couple of spoonfuls, Asda has some of it for sale at around £8 a jar,i keep telling her its nurishment i need not punishment but she don,t listen,maybe i should let her know its themuns who kick up the prices
Today her bill was £62 plus for a load of pills no Manuka Honey,know what ahe said to me ,its ok honey
am i mad or is she

Re: Bradbury's Buildings

Brendan, did she mean the honey was ok or "it's ok honey". If she called you "honey" I reckon she's American - am I right or am I right?

You know, Brendan, I think that if we eat a good, balanced diet, we really don't need supplements. I mean, those of us in reasonably good health. If we're deficient in something, fair enough, buy a "natural health product" to make up for the deficiency. BUT, from what I've read, we really don't need any extra supplements. Sometimes, in fact, they can be detrimental to health, depending on what they are.

BUT, I won't fault the other half, if she's happy, you're happy. Right?

Re: Bradbury's Buildings

Brendan, did she mean the honey was ok or "it's ok honey". If she called you "honey" I reckon she's American - am I right or am I right?

You know, Brendan, I think that if we eat a good, balanced diet, we really don't need supplements. I mean, those of us in reasonably good health. If we're deficient in something, fair enough, buy a "natural health product" to make up for the deficiency. BUT, from what I've read, we really don't need any extra supplements. Sometimes, in fact, they can be detrimental to health, depending on what they are.

BUT, I won't fault the other half, if she's happy, you're happy. Right?

Im the honey in this case Ann wether i like it or not
yes she is american,New Jersey has native American blood Onieda tribe Great Lakes region New York state,
her G G Grandfather was scottish,i go to bed with a crash helmet on in case she tries to scalp me

Re: Bradbury's Buildings

Hi Brendan. Two things. First one is that you haven't told me how to put in those quotes.

Second is more interesting, or could be. I would love to hear all about your wife's background, where she grew up, her taste in food AND how did you meet up?

Re: Bradbury's Buildings

Hi Brendan. Two things. First one is that you haven't told me how to put in those quotes.

Second is more interesting, or could be. I would love to hear all about your wife's background, where she grew up, her taste in food AND how did you meet up?

click the quote box

She was visiting a woman in Belfast a penfriend she had for a few years,we were members of an Irish site something like this ,so we met up then,she came back for another holiday with her husband,i drove them around Ireland as they had a fear of Irish roads,they went home and she decided she wanted a divorce so there you go

Re: Bradbury's Buildings

Thanks, Brendan. Sounds very romantic.

Now, I'm going to try this "quote" box so bear with me.

Re: Bradbury's Buildings

b woods

Ann is right. Our cousins are no relation to the Mc Keown's you refer to in Barrack Street, different families. No Theresa in our family names, but I do know the ones you speak about'

Joe remembers Tommy John, he once said he was "getting toughened up for the hod". He was a labourer in the building trade then. I think he was the only son in that family of girls. Kathleen was in my class at school.

Names sometimes mislead us, especially when the families live close to each other.



i mind that one about Tommy John for it was me he said it to i probably told it to Joe, doubt if TJ could have carried seed to a canary at that time,or hot water to a midwife

Re: Bradbury's Buildings

Brendan, thank you. I've managed to put in the quotes. Now I'll have to try and put in the quotes I actually. Don't know how that particular one came up but I just used it anyhow.

Watch this space from now on. Oh, brilliant, every time anyone says anything now, I'll be quoting them. Isn't this 21st century technology wonderful? Mind you, I can't even put a DVD on - Rachel does it for me if I need to. I don't think the boss can put on a DVD either. AND the boss cannot use the computer. Mind you, he's ironing for me this afternoon.

Re: Bradbury's Buildings

Hi. Brendan my name is Mick. McCartney and I just hooked up with My Auntie June (white) and Uncle Rodney. my maternal GrandMother was Kitty (Kathleen) McShane. I am her Grandson at 51. You and I are related:) plz get in touch Cheers Mick

Re: Bradbury's Buildings

I really enjoyed these posts from five years ago. Thanks everybody!

Re: Bradbury's Buildings

Dabbler, I also read those posts and noticed that I was much brighter and seemed more cheerful then. Gawd, this age thing has a lot to answer for.

Re: Bradbury's Buildings

Hi B,Woods, you are right,Bradburys Buildings was off Hill Street,oppisite No 17, I lived in No 15.there was a high stone wall at the end, us kids used to climb the wall and drop down onto the green. Patsy and Rosealeen Whitby lived in the end house and if I remember rightly Dabblers family moved in next door.Raymond McDonald lived two doors down.

Re: Bradbury's Buildings

Leo I have been spammed but a shorter version is that my Granny and Grandad lived in Bradburys Buildings. They were Mary and William Gilliland and lived towards the top of the left hand side. My aunt, uncle and cousins lived in the first house on the right hand side. They were Jean (Ginny) and Bobby Porter and my cousins Ronnie, Gloria and Roberts. I have many memories of the place!


Re: Bradbury's Buildings

Was Bradburys Buildings down Piper Hill and up the other side?
if so my great uncle Barney Watters and his wife Cassie lived there. They were in comparison to most then well off as both worked having no family and could afford a week´s holiday in Omeath yearly. My Great uncle Ned from the Locks used to take us on the train every "Twelfth" to visit them and after they had a few drinks in the pubs gave us a few bob for rock and sweeties. Then a bag of Duluce and a trip to Cavalry on a jaunting car made the treat complete. Then the return boat trip to Warrenpoint, being confronted with Custom officers in case we were smuggling, gold, heroin and other forbidden stuff into the North.

Re: Bradbury's Buildings

Somehow, we Reids managed that trip once or twice.. The story makes me smile.
And Liz -as I wrote years ao, Ronnie Porter was once my brother Robert's friend.

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