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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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The Crooner

Anybody remember little Paddy Taggart , not sure if spelt right.
He used to fly up and down the Longstone always on the go and loved a good croon.

Re: The Crooner

Wee Paddy Taggart is still flying up and down the Longstone, usually calling into Laverys or Hagues. I know he wouldn't mind me saying this and I'll let him know I did next time I see him. He has a broken arm at present, don't like to ask how he got it. He isn't doing as much crooning now although last Cemetery Sunday (not this year) he serenaded my wee granddaughter, Clare, up Chapel Hill. She's 14 and shy, so when he began to sing "My sweet Rose of Clare" her face was red as could be. He put his arm around her as well and she went as stiff as a board. But he's doing well, on the go all the time.

Re: Re: The Crooner

A wee story about Paddy which is quite true and was told to me by his cousin. She said he returned home to his flat one night after a few drinks. Discovered he had no key. What did he do? Rang the police. Police duly arrived and he told them the problem. One big hefty policeman put his shoulder to the door and broke it open. Apparently wee Paddy was quite taken aback and said, "What did you do that for?". The policeman said, "Didn't you ring us because you were locked out?" "Yes," Paddy replied, "But I thought you fellas kept master keys for all the houses in Lisburn". Enough said.

Re: Re: Re: The Crooner

You wouldn't think I was in the middle of ironing, would you? Get me, I'm multi-tasking, listening to the radio too. Heard a wee story there about the police picking up a few car thieves. My hearing is not good so as far as I could make out they were handcuffed. However, they were able to escape from the police and get back into the car they had previously stolen. Still handcuffed, they drove off. Katie will tell this the right way later I'm sure. Her hearing is A1.

Another wee yarn. Hubby and I were on holiday recently. We became friendly with a couple who lived near Liverpool. The woman and I were comparing ages and found that we were roughly of an age. She said in Liverpool they (senior citizens) call themselves "Twirlies". I said, "How come?". Well, she said, explaining that they (sen citizens) weren't allowed to use their Smart Passes until after 9 am. I suppose this is because the buses are full of schoolchildren and we have all day. Anyway, she said that if they're at the bus stop before 9 am, the bus driver looks over and shouts at them, (think of this in a Liverpudlian accent) "Too early". It sounds like Twirly so they call themselves that. I also call myself a Twirly now too.

Re: The Crooner

Hi John,

Just as Ann said, Paddy is still around,like Ann, hubby and I saw him last week with a broken arm, we were in the car or hubby would have asked him what happened, he used to follow hubby's football team years ago. Hubby says Paddy's favourite song was "Love thee Dearest" a ballad and very old song, although he sung many others.
Paddy was a very gentle fellow.
The Big Hall, Assembly Rooms used to hold talent
shows, and Paddy always won, he had a beautiful voice.

Little bit of the song:

Love thee dearest, love thee,
Yes by yonder star, I swear,
Love that beats above me,
Shines so sadly fair.


Re: The Crooner

Hi again John & Ann,

John by the way ur Uncle Noel, ran about with Paddy Taggart.

Don't know that police story Ann,but this early twirly will have to go, as going to u know where (remember ur lesions) Ann, how many should I have?.


Re: Re: The Crooner

Katie, not to be beaten, I have another appt this afternoon. Separate thing altogether from the "lesions". Belfast - diverticulitis. I'm half pancracked. Johnny better hurry up or he'll lose me.

Re: The Crooner

Hubby and I not a Mick Jaggar fan,but do get a laugh watching him, especially with the sound down.I like any any sort of music, but not hip/hop, hubby knows words to nearly every song.
A Tenor won a talent show on TV last night a lovely singer name Paul Pott, look out for him, he worked in a carphone warehouse store, but not anymore, he is getting a new record deal.


Re: Re: Re: The Crooner

Katie I'm getting worried. I thought you were married to Sweetie. I'M married to Hubby. Mind you, hubby left here this morning to get a new dog licence and he neveer came back for about 2 hours!!!! Have you anything you want to tell me or Sweetie?

Hubby went to the Civic Centre for the Dog Licence and he said when he was driving in there was a lot of security. He also noticed great arrangements of flowers and plants. He was questioned about his business there and then shown to a particular car parking space. He was also questioned ging into the building. Anyway, turns out President Mary McAleese is visiting today. Between the Royals, President of Ireland, who next? Johnny Depp maybe.

Re: The Crooner

Going to my daughters in Essex, this week.
We story, I have a great habit of switching of lights,daughter had her freezer in a utility room, I had been doing washing as we were going home.
Two days after we had arrived home,daughter phoned said thank u very much, u turned my freezer off and all my
frozen stuff is destroyed, I said ru not insured, she replied mummy that is not the point, I told u to stop turning everything off, I also locked her cat in a box, did'nt know it was there, they did'nt find it for a day and a half,this cat is 20years old and she dotes on it.(the cat is called Rocky, wonder why it did'nt get out itself, remember Rambo).
My grandson was crying, because they could'nt find the cat, said poor Rocky, she locked him up.


Re: The Crooner

Katie, have a good visit. That is hilarious what you did last time, they will be greeting you with terror. It must be a Lisburn thing. When I go to my sister's in Lisburn, I turn all the lights on, and she comes behind me switching them off. I call it the "poverty spirit".


Re: The Crooner


Where is Dabbler, is he in hiding?


Re: Re: The Crooner

Ann & John,

I am pretty sure this is the same Paddy Taggert whose sister Maureen married my father's youngest brother, Sam Hanna. I lost touch with Maureen many years ago, I know she had a son, at that time they were living in Birmingham. Would it be possible to find out if Maureen is still alive, if so, where she is living.


Re: Re: The Crooner


Paddy sang "My lovely Rose of Clare" in a talent competition in the "Legion" when Dave Glover was playing.There was always four singers invited to take part, I was one of the four and I sung "Knee Deep in the Blues, a Guy Mitchell song that was in the top 10 at the time. It was decided by audience applause and as I had all my mates and their girlfriends there I won. Paddy Taggert was by far the best singer on the night and should have gone to the finals. It just goes to prove with an audience, it is not always talent that wins. I related this story before on the Forum and only Dabbler related to Paddy.
I had a "Showband" here in Canada for many years and one of my most requested songs, especially in an Irish crowd was" My Lovely Rose Of Clare.

Re: The Crooner

Ann, you can get the dog licence online at the Lisburn Council web site, saved me going.

Re: The Crooner


Sorry to have to tell u Marueen Taggart died a few
years ago the Taggarts are cousins of a friend of mine,I knew ur Uncle Sambo and Theresa, at one time they lived in Ivan Street, I think with Jackie Bruce's mum.
Sambo and Theresa were very pleasant,always laughing
Theresa's mother was my friends aunt.

My daughter is in Naniamo staying with another friend from Tipperary, she will be heading home by Wed/Thurs. Maureen Taggart's cousin is married to Frankie Watters.


Re: Re: The Crooner

Maggi, thanks for the info on the dog licence. What type of dog do you have? Anyway, if hubby had no excuse to go out, how would he see meet Katie? Seriously, must remember that next time.

Re: The Crooner


Don't u think Ann's hubby knows about the on line dog licence, he only makes an excuse to get out for a while,like somebody else I know.

I had to phone the Council Office last week and inform them my dog had died, and then I got another letter,on Saturday, informing me I had not got the dog licenced.
Maybe the letters are done in advance.


Re: The Crooner


Hubby says to tell u Maureen Taggart, lived in a little place in Scotland called "Coat or Cote Bridge" a big Celtic supporters area. Maureen married a soldier from the barracks he was Scotish and they had one or two sons. (Not sure)


Re: The Crooner

John, Always remember Paddy singing "Scarlet Ribbons" in the Big Hall concerts, he closed his eyes & joined his hands, very nice rendering of a lovely song,u could have heard a pin drop....Joe

Re: The Crooner


Yes Joe, "Scarlet Ribbons" is the song that came to my mind, I remember Paddy singing that in the Big Hall.
Yes he was a lovely singer.


Re: The Crooner

I'm sure wee Paddy would be delighted if he knew how many people remember him, and are discussing him on the world wide web. I'll let hm know next time I see him. He is a quiet person.

Re: The Crooner

Katie you could be right. Ann we have 3 Jack Russels small type,and we also have 7 puppies...anyone want a puppy?

Re: The Crooner

Maggie Thanks for replying. We have two miniature schnauzers, spoilt rotten. Wee Jack Russells are lovely too. Met a woman in the market this morning and asked her where her wee dog was. She has a Jack Russell and treats it like a child, just like us. She said he was in the car because she can't go anywhere without him or he sulks. Good luck with the puppies.

Re: The Crooner

Beano, on good authority I can tell you, no disrespect to Katie, that Maureen Taggart did not marry a Scottish soldier. That was her sister Kathleen, who died a couple of years ago. Don't know if this is any help to you.

Re: The Crooner


I stand corrected ,hubby just informed me, he had mixed them up Kathleen Taggart died a few years ago, she was married to John who was from Scotland.


Re: The Crooner

I stand corrected, thanks to good friend Ann, Kathleen Taggart died a few years ago she was married to John who Scotchish

I think Maureen was married to ur Uncle Sambo, Theresa was a cousin of Maureens,hubby mixed the names up, should have stuck to my own names, as I remember them all.

Ann is out and about more than me. Bless her.



Re: Re: The Crooner

Ann and Katie,

Many thanks for all your information. Sambo and Maureen did live with my Aunt Sadie in Ivan St.,Katie ,that is Jackie Spruce's mum. Anyway they went to live in England after that and I am fairly sure they had a son. I don't know if Maureen is still living or not, maybe one of you could find out from Paddy, and if they did have a son.


Did you ever go to the "Mandarin" Chinese restaurant when you were here, it is in Burlington, near where your niece lives. They have now built one in St Catharines, for my money it is the best Chinese food anywhere.


Re: Re: The Crooner

Thank you Ann & Katie for the info.
He used to love wearing the cream colored trench or rain coat with the silk scarf and multicolored cravat.
Some monday nights he would go to the big hall big night billiards and croon away in someones ear while the games were being played.
A very happy man, bubbly all the time.
Say hello to him if you ever see him for me.

Re: Re: The Crooner

Yes Kattie seen his performance on sang real well didn't he!

Re: Re: The Crooner

Please give him our best wishes from all on the forum.

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