Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Beautiful day in Lisburn

Hi everyone, we had an absolutely gorgeous day today. All the flowers are coming into bloom, liles of all colours, dahlias, lavendar, morning glory, marigolds and much more. I love this time of year because we still have the full summer to come. As I say, hubby didn't let on about the Mayor's Parade and persuaded me to stay in the garden all day. He hates shopping,parades of any description or mixing with crowds. His idea of an ideal day is somewhere where there are no shops, just a quiet lake where he can fish and I can sit and read. I suppose he reckons it keeps me out of mischief. What mischief at my age, for goodness sake? Well, ok, except for Johnny Depp. I started to read Thora Hird's autobiography but switched off, as it's so old fashioned. Am starting James Joyce's "Portrait of the artist as a Young Man" so that may be quite good. Jennie Bond's book was good - very interesting, and funny too. For LR's attention, will call at big brother's tomorrow as his daughter, Maeve, is 21 on 12th June, so will bring down her 21st birthday present. LR, she is as brainy, I think, as he is. May go down the line for a walk with the wee dogs. Might see Janet and May Anderson. The line always reminds me of my young days. Remember when McConnell's Hill was full
of people. Remember the wee houses over there. Alice Porter lived in one, also Jackie Close and his wife, although further up the Loneys. I often wondered how a doctor visited them in an emergency. Those were great times. Big brother has an absolutely stunning view from his house, the same one I had when I lived there, but didn't really appreciate it at the time. Always remember, when going to sleep, the sound of the overfalls, so soothing. Anyway, tomorrow have been invited to our daughter's for a BBQ so no oul Sunday dinner to make, just providing our fillet and sirloin steaks - no, not bumming, but I really do have them. But, come October, it'll be sausages and mince steak. I may ask everyone to lift a collection but will leave that until later.

Re: Beautiful day in Lisburn

Ann, and others,

Just saw ur comment, on hubby at my back and call, when on the rare occasion he was with me in town, maybe Christmas, he spent his time in every coffee shop he could find,(addicted to coffee) but now he is stuck with NO Smoking ban. When people see me on my own u can see in their faces they feel sorry for me, they think I am a widow or sweetie (forgot) hubby has left me, .
Did'nt know the Lord Mayor's parade was on until hit the city/town.

Look in later in a hurry


Re: Re: Beautiful day in Lisburn

Katie, did you hear the noise until 5 am this morning?. I went to bed earlyish, as is my wont, and wakened about midnight to the thumping of drums, very very loud music, a DJ talking VERY loudly over a loudspeaker. You all know my hearing is bad and one of the effects is that I can't distinguish from which direction a partic"Is that the Stewarts coming home from the Greens' house", but decided it couldn't be. Then I thought, "Is my son watching Big Brother". I got up and listened but there was no sound from his room. Checked the TV room, checked everywhere in the house. Then, I opened the back door and listened - the noise was definiitely coming from somewhere in Lisburn town. Now, I haven't found out whether, after the Mayor's Parade, it was a Concert in the Park (Wallace Park) or whether it was something being held in the Thiepval Barracks. Have never known the Thiepval to carry anything on until 5 am. There'll be complaints, I say there'll be complaints.? I'm also tired, I may as well have sat up all night. I know you'll have the answer. Getting as bad as Pagan England, honest to goodness.

Re: Beautiful day in Lisburn

Ann,and other Exiles,
Beautiful day here, no Ann hubby and I sneaked in a 1.00a.m.this morning, I did not hear a sound, but hubby said he heard drums thought it was the barracks.
Hubby said, stay up later and go to bed about one and u will be so tired u wo'nt hear a thing.

Enjoy the BQ lovely day for it.
