Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Children and Exams

Back again!!! From travels and work. Lots of reading since I was on. By jove the old sharp tongues were wagging!!!! Most unpleasant, glad I missed all that.

My youngest child (17) is in the throes of final examinations in secondary school. I was instructed months ago to ensure that I was at home while they were in progress. Must say I find it stressful; I can do nothing to assist and yet I am here standing sentry. Terrible to see how young people invest so much in that test of their intelligence. Its completely fruitless of course to tell them that in the general scheme of things it really does not matter at all. However, I will remain "on guard" until early next week.

My mother and myself stole a couple of days at the seaside early in the week; the weather was glorious. Can there be anything more pleasureable than the relaxed effortless company of one's mother? I don't think so. The simple things like sitting on the beach, talking, laughing, going for coffee, dinner, etc.

Keep the chat going; after you have been away from the forum for a while its good to return and see that you are all "on" keeping the worldwide conversation alive!!!

Re: Children and Exams

Lobby, glad to see your back! That is a double old Irish saying! Glad to hear from you again to put it differently! I am sure you sent a pang of sorrow to many a heart. Imagine sitting on a beach with your mother! All most of us have is memories. Even yesterday just for a second I missed my mother. She died in '91. My dad used to sing this song (many's the song he used to sing)

A mother's loves a blessing
Wherever you may go.
Love her while she's living,
You'll miss her when she goes.
Love her as in childhood,
Though feeble old and grey
You'll niver miss you mother, pals,
Till she's buried beneath the clay.

Somebody cheer me up!


Re: Children and Exams


Much as I miss my mother, she never once thought my exams were anything but my own business. I don't know if they go too far today in some aspects of mothering. It may be more smothering, I think I would have rather been free to find out for myself rather than on a tether. We had such exciting adventures (and near misses) as children. Changed times.


Re: Re: Children and Exams

Thanks for the replies! Off to meet my mother for lunch with my daughter who finishes at 1pm. Yesterday's exam went badly with a misinterpretation of a question. My mother is very much like yours so when she heard of yesterday's misadventure she insisted that we all go off for lunch today. My other daughter and sister are in tow. I can already tell you what the conversation will be: "never worry your head about them "owl" exams, it does not matter, you will do well no matter about them"

I know my daughter will have to laugh despite her absolute belief to the contrary! When you think something is the most important thing in the world its hard to be persuaded otherwise. I agree with you Liz the world has many misplaced values.

Oh well people, I am still on guard until Thursday of next week. Answering business emails all morning and pretending to my clients that I am working elsewhere so that I can avoid taking on any more more until the week after next!. Every cloud/silver linings and all that.

Bye for now.

Re: Children and Exams

No joke! The twenty year old daughter of a friend failed her driving test for the third time, and her dad says that her instuctor told her it was the fault of other drivers on the road.
I hope the dad doesn't read this, and learn that I found it amusing.

Re: Children and Exams

35 years ago, while doing my driving test during an election day, a agent from one of the election parties drove out of Graham Gardens unto Railway Street, smack into the car I was driving, which belonged to a Jim Gray a driving instructor, I by the way had the driving inspector sitting beside me, he never spoke and only I remembered watching Z Cars, I got out and asked the lady who had been driving the car for her Insurance No and address, she admitted it was her fault, back into car, inspector still never spoke, my nerves were away by this time, done the rest of the test in those days u drove up and down the streets, no one way system then, u wanted to see Jim Grays face when we stopped at motor centre,inspector had still never spoken, Jim Gray hopped into the car give me a piece of paper, which I never looked at I just new I had failed, Jim said you have passed, "congratulations". I could have kissed him but being a lady refrained from doing so. I have never forgotten this. Just thought I would share this with you due to ur last story.

Re: Children and Exams

Katie, I have told this one so often I imagine I may even have written it here: After narrowly failing my first test, I waited a few months before deciding to take a few lessons prior to my imminent second attempt. BSM, I thought, a big name, that'll do nicely to get me in shape. A nice lady instructor handed over to me, and I drove to the centre of the fairly busy town, turned, or attempted to turn at a roundabout, but the steering wheel jammed and I headed straight up the pavement, landing inches from the front door of a pub. I was inclined to think the darned car knew that I was wishing I was in there instead of behind the wheel. Several people helped to push it to a safe place. The redfaced instructor said I wouldn't be charged for the lesson.