Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

Lisburn Exiles Forum
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Yesterday I was stuck in bed with flu and decided it would be a good time to renew my acquaintaince with the forum. I caught up with the regulars Donald,Dabbler,Liz,Tom and Low Roader and went on to familiarize myself with the newer posters ie Ann,Thelma, Katie,Pat and co.
Well after I had read them-particulary Ann's I felt I was in a position to challenge her multi-tasking skills.Quite frankly I was juggling laughing,sneezing,coughing, blowing my nose and trying desperately to not wetting the bed.
After I had done all my "tasks"I decided I needed a shower to get myself back in order so off I went with bucket in hand as I am an Antipodian resident like Tom
(he is quite right about the showers and between us we could pass on some water saving tips).While I was waiting for the hot water to come through I found myself thinking it must be a riot living in your house.Long may it continue as laughing is certainly the medicine to keep you young. Didn't do much for my flu but never mind.

Re: multi-tasking

Hello Emily, welcome to the forum. Hope you get over the flu quickly.

I've been busy gardening for the last week and missed a lot of chatting by the looks of things but I'm all caught up with my reading.


Re: Re: multi-tasking

Hi Ann,
I though of you when I bought a lovely solar Lighthouse garden ornament. Inexpensive and not at all tacky. I don't think my husband would want a whole bunch of them but one is okay.

I've been gardening at my daughter's house and then my own. We had 29c for a few days and now we're having flooding in different parts of the city with all the rain we got last night. Hopefully by the time I get the house cleaned it'll be hot again and I can get back out into my garden.

Re: multi-tasking


Sorry, u had the flu,I know what it's is like, having had flu all over Christmas time. Multi-tasking, tell me about it, up cleaning then gardening,baking for
visitors coming, then ironing before they come, o forgot cleaning the windows, sweetie thinks there is no need for all this, he could live in a hovel (not really)he thinks life is too short, he says he going to get me red phone box and then I can come out as wonder-woman.
One of these days I am not going to do anything to see if he can detect a difference. Katie

Re: multi-tasking

I have just e-mailed my local agony aunt to ask if she can spend some time on the forum and advise yo poor wee dears about how to organise your sorely fragmented lives.

Just accept your place in society and all will be well.

No doubt you still expect the superior gender to give up their seats on public transport.
On reflection it is probably true that you never use public transport but instead clutter up the roads with your 4x4s as you make your way to and from the local garden centre to pick up another piece of useless paraphernalia.

Re: multi-tasking

Just for ur cheek, I am going out to my lovely garden/yard to sit all day and read, not going to make dinner or anything.
As I am still young, when on public transport I give my seat to elderly gentlemen or ladies, that is the way I was brought up. I would certainly give my seat to U to save U standing and act of chivalry on my part,always respect the elderly that is my moto.


Many a day coming home from school Lisburn Convent,during summer time dilly daddled down bridge street with some girls from the county down end of town, then turned at Back Lane,with others who lived in Hill St, up the tow-path along the lagan, took shoes off over a little stream,to the grove sometime leaches got stuck on our toes, played there for a while, then Hill Street
and skipped home,then faced the music from my mother, as was told to come straight home, head down to exercies as homework was called then and wasnt allowed out after that. Katie