Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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I left lisburn in 1976 and have lived abroad since that time, although all the family are still in Lisburn. On Staurday I gave a speech at my daughters wedding following a day with my sister and brother-in-law who still live in Lisburn.

I don't know why but all my friends and colleagues said that during the speech they found it difficult to understand me because of my accent which they say went up a few bars on the noriron scale.

Any logical explanations would be appreciated.


Hi Ian, Glad you had a good day at your daugher's wedding. I had an aunt who lived in England for 40 years, but, apart from a few expressions, she still had a Norn Ireland accent. Where do you live now? Do you miss Lisburn? Come on, all your Lisburn people - exiles abroad - come on and talk to us.


Hi Ann,

Thanks for prompt reply. I still have a very strong accent according to english friends but when I hear myself on video/dvd etc I know its changed. I am quite proud that people still can't understand me and they usually know instantly where I am from.

I played golf with a fella last month who left Lisburn in 1991 and there was absolutely no trace of his roots in his accent at all.

I am proud to carry the flag for Lisburn abroad


Hi Ian,

I am new to this Exiles, swettie and I were in Doncaster years and years ago, swettie went for cigs, I told him do u know what to say, sure he said. He came back with

Katie Jun.


I think it depends on whether you continue to speak English or change to another language . When I return to Norniron for a holiday people think I've never been away and when I speak German I've been told it sounds American or Dutch. ( Neither chalk or cheese )
I remember long ago people from Lisburn going to England for a short while ( to quote an old Lisburn saying = to see what time it was ) and returning with a broad Cockney accent. We have our accent, it's part of our heritage and we should cherish it. Since coming to live in Bavaria I only realised that. The Bavarian people are extremely proud of their speech and National costume which they use and display at every opportunity,. Not too far from where I live there is accommodation for refugees and sometime when I cycle past I stop and listen to the children of different nationalities speaking to each other naturally in the most broad Bavarian dialect I must smile and regret that my German can never be so accent free.


Katie, you've started; now, tell everyone about the pantomime. I'll chip in whenever I can remember anything. How about. "I thought I heard a chicken sneeze, Ohhhhh Mona". "Down in the chickenyard on her knees. Ohhhhh Mona". That was your husband. He was a great singer.

Re: Re: Re: Re: ACCENTS

Katie, if you want to start a new topic, go to POST at the top of the page. I know you'll have LOADS to talk about. Look forward to hearing from you.


i still have a broad accent and sometimes people remark'' after all this time you still have an accent? i normally reply i still have it cause i,ve never found a better one/
but ian your letter poses a problem when i go home to lisburn and phone here people tell me they find it hard to understand me so i think in a strange land you unknowingly modify it a bit or slow down without being aware of it
conversely when i,m in lisburn people have told me i,m using words they havent heard in years but thats in my memory banks maybe thats the answer?
anyhow good luck tom


Lately, on the forum, it has been hard to get a word in edgeways.


Ex-Co Downer, come on, that's no excuse. The Forum is for everyone. Come to mamma.