Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Hi everyone. Hubby, myself and another couple took our wee dogs up to Slemish to have their coats trimmed. It's a long drive to have them trimmed - an hour - but this lady was the breeder and clips them better than anyone. She has a real business there and it's lovely, just below Slemish and the countryside around is so picturesque. All those green mountains, fields and farmland. Anyway, we make a day of it and after leaving the dogs with Jane we go for a wee run round the Antrim Coast, stopping at different wee towns on the way. She always tells us not to hurry back as she loves having them anyway. One of the towns we stopped in today was Glenarm. Talk about a ghost town. It was like an old film set when the actors had left. There was no-one in the streets and all the doors were closed tight. It was really quite eerie and my friend looked at me and said it reminded her of Brigadoon. You know the town that only comes to life once a year. Then I saw what I thought was a statue beside a lamp standard. I saw itas we were coming down the hill, no movement at all. Just as I was going over to see what it was there for, it moved and I realised it was a man. He never took us under his notice, or that's how it appeared anyhow. We said he must be the town look-out. We walked all round and saw not one other person. Only sign of life was classical music coming from an open window in a house but that was it. My friend said that a few years ago they brought her elderly aunt up for a drive in the car and stopped in Glenarm. She said it was exactly the same then. We were joking that the rumour would go round that the property developers had landed. We then went to where we stopped for lunch. As usual, I made a pig of myself and at too much. I had gorgeous mouthwatering fresh cod but they served 3 big helpings of this, plus chips and peas. I cleared the plate. My husband had a GIANT gammon steak marinated in honey. He let me taste a bit, maybe because I kept looking at it. Anyway, this was gorgeous too. My friend's husband, who's not tall, had the same as me but he had the grace to leave most of his peas. My friend had scampi which she assured me was lovely too. They all had a drink but I was being good, for once, so I just had soda water. It's now almost 8 pm and I'm still full. Now, Low Roader, this is the part about my house being boggin'. My friend, who shall remain nameless, is extremely houseproud. She invited us in for a cuppa when we were leaving them off. Honest to goodness, the whole place was shining, I say shining. You could smell the polish and everything. Pristine clean. She showed me the rooms which had been recently re-painted and I must say she has excellent taste. She did allow me to bring my wee dogs in and actually gave them a Rich Tea biscuit each. The downside was I had to come home to what I knew was a boggin' house. SO, even though it is Saturday night, when I finish on this computer, I'm going to arm myself with bucket, mop, hot soapy water, polish and cloth and I won't stop until my wee house is shining too. I say it's a disgrace the time I spend on this computer, I say it's a disgrace. If I start getting houseproud you'll all know your drivers. LR and Donald and Dabbler and Pat, you know what that means. Better go, the pouce is an inch thick under the hall table.


My wife went for 4 weeks treatment for her back a few years ago and when we telephoned every night she sometimes asked was I doing the housework. Getting a little bit peeved by the same question I replied one night shortly before came home I said " Yes, if I clean up a little bit we can keep pigs here"


My house is **** and span today Donald.


Ann....Don't b pulling MY leg out by the root. Pat.


I only said **** and span, **** and span, **** and span, which means clean and tidy. Stupid oul computer censoring a senior citizen. As if I would, anyhow.