Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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The School Dentist

I was beginning to think that Primary School was not that bad after all. We were struggling to keep our lettering within the confines of those four lines and learning our multiplication tables was not all that bad. We even got to play supervised rounders in the paved playground and a version of Red Rover.

Just when things were all going our way we arrived in school one morning and were informed that we were to be introduced to the School Dentist, whoever he was.

I remember we went in groups to some now derelict offices up the hill in Hillsborough and were greeted by a nurse in a waiting room who had a cursory look inside our open mouths. I was one of the chosen and was directed into another room where a gentleman in a white apron stood behind a fancy chair.

I soon found out what a dentist was and came out missing four of my molars.

I can still feel the roots scrunching and will never forget the bowl attached to the chair which contained a mixture of blood and teeth into which I was invited to spit and add to the mix.

When the School Dentist next visited a couple of years later, this time in the Downshire School, knowing what to expect made this a really frightening experience.

I can not remember if they used freezing in those days but it sure was an ordeal to remember.


Re: The School Dentist

Hi Fortycoats , Good to get your input on the Forum.
Still waiting for some comments from , The Boy at Bluegate Road.!!Or anyone else from the Borough.
I do recall the dentist at school, but in my case I only lost one tooth at that time. [ Lost more since]. Do you still have your own teeth.? Or do you CHEW THE FAT with false ones.? I am missing 3 on the top row.
On another occasion i went to Mc Ivor in Lisburn. Do you remember Mc Ivor's son making Gloves Etc. out of Rabbit Skins.? He liked the Angora Rabbits skins but if hard pressed would accept good ordinary skins.

My trip to Newfoundland was an experience of a lifetime.I know now why they call it " THE ROCK."
I did not" Kiss A Cod," but I ATE One .!! Two Highlights were a trip to Signal Hill where Marconi sent & recieved the first trans atlantic radio signals. Then to Cape Spear lighthouse on the most Easterly point of land in Canada. The Ferry ride from Cape Breton to Newfi, was 8 hours. The Flight home 4 hours. I Also toured Gander airport & the Air Museum there. Also many pretty fishing harbours.

I talk with J. C .quite often on SKYPE. Why not sign on.????
The Lord.

Re: The School Dentist

Hallo Lord
That with Marconi was 1901, it,s not common knowledge but his company experimented 1898 sending signals between the mainland at Ballycastle and Rathlin Island. He was just there for a few days, leaving the work to his assistants Kemp and Glanville. Also an interesting fact, his mother was a member of the famous Irish Whiskey family Jameson. Our wee Island produced some famous people.

Re: The School Dentist

Thanks Donald on the facts about Marconi.
You could almost SHOUT across to Rathlin Is. But that was a start to wireless signals. Interesting that his mother was from Ireland. The Lord