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Christian Prophetic Ministries...Holding The Master's Hand

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Christian Prophetic Ministries...Holding The Master's Hand
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Don't look at the storm

Do Not Look At the Storm

My Dear Precious Child,

The waves are your problems, and the impossibilities that you see. Do not look at the waves My child. Do not look at the storm, look at Me and you will have faith to walk on the waves; you will have faith to speak to the waves to stop. You have authority over the storm in Me. You can do nothing in yourself but in Me. Do not be like Peter who looked at the waves (the circumstances) but look at Me so you can have faith in Me. I am the answer not people or circumstances. I can do the impossible. I can heal marriages when it seems impossible for the marriage to be healed. I can heal broken hearts, broken spirits, and broken emotions if you will but put your faith in Me and not waver by looking at the waves. Stop talking to people about your problems and listening to their negative words of doubt and unbelief that healing and miracles cannot come to you. You are not some special cast that I can’t heal. When I promise in My word to bring healing then I keep My promise. Stop listening to man, and their opinions and start listening to Me because I am the answer. Listen to the word and not the world. Man speaks of negative impossibilities; I speak of possibilities. Where there is cancer I can speak life. Where there is mental disorder there is Godly Wisdom and soundness of mind when one gives their whole life to Me. Man would tell you things can’t change, there is no hope but I say that you are not govern by this world’s laws but by My laws of faith, hope and love. Do not give up on Me I can still bring healing. I brought healing to Lazarus when He was died for only four days in the tomb and I can bring healing and miracles to your situation too. Nothing is impossible with Me if you put your faith in Me and not doubt Me.

Trust Me the Miracle Maker

Re: Don't look at the storm

I believe the Lord led you by this way.This word touched parts of my life.As well as I believe it will touch others. I will try to visit your forum as often as I can.I also went to your MSN page.It's looks like it has some real good things on it.I plan to visit there again tomarrow when I get more time.You've been a blessing to me Pam.Thank you for obeying God.I really needed to come across your websites at this point in my life.Daddy knows our every need.Blessings,Tammy

Re: Re: Don't look at the storm

Boy did I need to hear that! Thanks! Hope your forum picks up here! blessings!