Prostate Cancer Survivors






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Recurrence after prostatectomy

My prostate and I parted company 10 years ago and PSA was "undetectable" for a few years Two years ago it started to creep back up, very slowly but has now reached the so-called "biochemical recurrence" level of 0.2. I have a consultation with a urologist next week. And I guess that I am going to be told "Lets just keep an eye on it" I am 85 years old and honestly do not want the hassle of radiation visits. Anyone else been a similar situation? How bad is death from PC metastasis ?

Re: Recurrence after prostatectomy

Martin; First, death from cancer of any kind is rarely pleasant and should be avoided if practical. I am in about the same situation as you, just ten years younger. My number at last test was slightly elevated over the past twelve years results. Yes, it is concerning. Radiation is an option IF they find exactly where it is and if it is localized. The other more likely path will be some form of hormone treatment to slow the growth, if they think it needs treatment at all right now. Many factors enter into the equation and that is why you are correct to see your urologist. Keep us informed of what you discover and best wishes. Jon.