This forum is for the discussion of anything to do with Prostate Cancer. There are only four rules:
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Re: Need a Few Responders To Get The Party Started
Don, this IS that forum, and you are accessing it. It has just changed somehow and lost enthusiasm. I feel it has to do with the general condition of the country right now and the world. The last four years have seen some changes that have many on edge and disillusioned. Seems to coincide with the covid thing and the controversial 2020 election and the resulting issues of that outcome over the last four years. I personally gave up on healthcare during this period as other things were more in the forefront and medical care and maintenance became difficult to receive. "Crawling into a hole" as you put it seems likely what everyone has done over the past tumultuous four years. We should refrain from doing that as things may equalize back to more normal again and bring back the forum prosperity of the past. The list of victims may be overwhelming to new visitors, and they don't notice the chance to make inquiries on the forum. I always check the forum entries first but then I am familiar with the site and know it is there. Hang in there bud. Jon.
Re: Need a Few Responders To Get The Party Started
Super informative reply. It sounds as though there is at least a chance we could redevelop this site to the magnitude that it once was.
Methinks I will pull together a brief summary of where I am healthwise and post it here ASAP. Perhaps the few who have interacted recently will do the same and thereby GET THE PARTY STARTED.
Re: Need a Few Responders To Get The Party Started
I was diagnosed with PCa in 2008. After a fair amount of research and hand ringing I settled on Proton Beam Radiation. Following treatment my PSA remained low and steady for three years, but regrettably it began a slow but steady upward trend.
After a fair amount of research I ended up consulting Dr "Snuffy" Myers. Following several years as his patient and a good many ups and downs my PSA returned to its slow steady upward trend. In 2017, after considering several treatment options, Dr Myers and yours truly settled on Xtandi which has effectively held my PSA at a consistent .02. "Amen and Halleljah"!
Best wishes to you and yours.
Don O.