Prostate Cancer Survivors






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Re: CEO of Hasbro dead after prostate cancer fight

Jon, I had a year delay on treatment as well, but because my PCP wasn’t aggressive enough. Had a nodule and a .8 rise in PSA during annual physical. Doc said “It’s a little bump there, we’ll have to watch it.” I was off to my busy life and t
o next year’s exam and a 4.4 PSA. That’s when the doc took it seriously and like you, at 58, I started this journey. I’m convinced that extra year of no treatment resulted in 2 additional recurrences and my now incurable PC. Lesson is to take charge of your health needs

Re: CEO of Hasbro dead after prostate cancer fight

Hi guys, I had my biopsy last week and met with my urologist today. He confirmed I have PC my PSA was 5.2 and my Gleason score was 4+3=7. My dad and brother both had PC, so when I turned 45 I started having my PSA checked during yearly physical. Every year I noticed the number creeping up. Im very scared right now, but like your saying we need to take charge of our health. Im lucky I have a wonderful supportive wife by my side. My urologist recommendation is surgery due to my young age over radiation. I won’t lie I’m terrified of how my life might change but I’d rather have a long life ahead of me and deal with the side effects.