Prostate Cancer Survivors






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Re: Any documented cases of post RP uPSA values rising and then plateauing indefinitely at a low lev

Jeff; I think the norm in this arena is that there is never any hard and fast facts to go by. I think anyone going through this soon becomes painfully aware of that. It is the luck of the draw and your best guess mixed in with one's tolerance for risk.
If I understand right, you are asking something like - is a holding level of .020 PSA something to be concerned about after RP. Personally, I would be very happy with that! Mine never went below .07 and has risen back to the .1 range and holding after RP and then radiation (2014). It rose slowly after treatment but then has leveled off at around .1 and holding steady - so far! It is a steady and or fast rising trend that one has to be concerned about.
Don't go imagining trouble, just go forward alert and aware. Jon.

Re: Any documented cases of post RP uPSA values rising and then plateauing indefinitely at a low lev


You can see my story under Allen Z on this site. I have had a continuing almost linear increase in PSA since failed surgery followed with the usual regimen of radiation treatments. My nadir after radiation was .2 and has slowly increased to about 2.5 or so and sometimes fluctuates lower than back to 2.5, so it seems to have somewhat of a "plateau" effect for the last several years. I have declined hormone treatment several times and continue to wait for it to escalate more rapidly.


Allen Z