This forum is for the discussion of anything to do with Prostate Cancer. There are only four rules:
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Below is a link to a “blog” that is being written daily by a former MD Anderson (MDA) lung cancer patient who has been declared “cancer free” although it was not the MDA treatment that cured him. Rather it was an idea generated by a veterinarian friend of his who was doing research on animals that brought an old treatment to the surface. It involves generic products that are FDA approved for use in humans but are not commercially exploitable by “big pharma” since there is no profit for them. It seems to be a cure for cancers of many/all(?) types.
The link was provided by a local friend who is facing cancer and enduring generally accepted treatments right now. She was diagnosed with uterine cancer that has metastasized to her bones. She has had radiation, chemo, immuno- and now radiation therapy again. Prospects are not good and she is in much pain but with a cheerful heart and the assurance of eternity with Jesus.
Just recently, from another of her friends who has been declared "cancer free", the blog link was brought to her attention. She is now in the third week of trying this “home” therapy that is getting rave reviews by people with various cancers. It typically seems to take 10 – 12 weeks to see results that can be verified by PET scan, etc. Everything recommended for the treatment is over-the-counter. There are no fees or specialists to see. No travel is involved. No one makes a buck on this.
Here is the blog address:
I found it is easiest to read the blog on a “big screen” like a computer or i-pad rather than on a smart phone.
My prayer is that many of my fellow prostate cancer victims will benefit from this before you undergo conventional treatments (radiation, chemo, immuno-, surgery) that may change your lives forever as mine has been changed by the radical laparoscopic, nerve-sparing prostatectomy option. If I had known about "" six years ago, I certainly would have tried it before trying any other options. Read it and make your own decisions. If it is helpful to you, share it with others.
Re: Alternative Treatment for Many Types of Cancers
Very interesting! All of us here are always open to some miracle cure for cancer so others don't have to endure what we have gone through. I dearly wish this finding were true. I am certainly not qualified to make judgment and try to keep an open mind to any possibility. From what I have seen and experienced, there is no cure for cancer other than removing it or destroying it (and the host tissue) in some way. A cure/prevention would be wonderful and is what we all pray for.
Through all this, it is wise to go with caution along with an open mind. Having been diagnosed with terminal cancer could actually be an advantage to trying some alternative treatments. What is there to loose? On the other hand, some of these treatments may very well come with their own set of drawbacks. I doubt if this drug is meant to be used on a continuing basis. Just a little research tells me it may be bad for one's liver. It would be nice to feel that our medical industry has our best interests in mind over profits made from cancer but we all know the power of money coupled with greed and that has us suspicious of course and with good reason. The price gouging happening right now for life saving insulin is a prime example of the greed and uncaring attitude of those who profit from other's misfortune. We would hope that somehow all the money supposedly going to cancer research also covers research into areas that we are discussing here. It is hard to have blind faith that this is a curing possibility but if so - I am all for it!! Let's hope someone of knowledge and influence is listening. Jon.
Re: Alternative Treatment for Many Types of Cancers
Speaking of alternative cancer treatments - One man's up date today on this site (10-29-19) spoke of going to China for a "cure" for his P.C. with success - at least to date. Some sort of herbal mix injected in to the prostate is the basis for his treatment.
One hears of these new treatments now and then and seemingly good results with little side effects. I wonder if anyone is looking into these treatment results - like the American Cancer Society for instance - to see if they are something that should be seriously considered over what we are stuck with here in the United States for treatment. Is our system so closed minded that they really don't want to find a better way? I don't know if these unconventional treatments work or not but I admire those who have the courage and ability to give them a try instead of settling for what our choices are here. That "magic pill" cure could be out there if we would just swallow our pride and admit that we here in this great country may not have all the answers and listen for alternatives that just might work. It is not uncommon for medical advances to come from outside this country, so for our own well being, more attention should be paid to other possibilities. As said before and reluctantly felt by many - is greed and profit guiding our medical industry over patient welfare? Jon.