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What to expect at the end

I'm sure many of you don't want to think about how it may look and feel when losing the battle. I also know there will still be those that try to encourage me to choose treatment. I've seen some stuff on the vast variety of treatments, both brutal and holistic. I have already made up my mind SO DON'T TRY TO CHANGE IT. Please.

I seriously want to know if anyone can give details on what the "shutdown" wil be like. I know there are many variables and everyone has different experiences. I'm just really hoping to have some insight on what to expect and how to plan appropriately for it, the best I can anyway.

If it helps at all, I have a PSA a little over 2000 (just a 5 two years ago), has spread to my testicles, colon, intestines, and they see a spot on my brain but not entirely conclusive.

Re: What to expect at the end

Hi CJ - that is such an honest question. I was my husband's advocate for 13 years. He passed away in 2013. I thought about this also - as the caregiver. The best people I found, who were the most knowledgeable, sensitive, wise, and caring - was Hospice. They understand End of Life better than almost anyone. They have experienced counselors, social workers, nurses, and non-denominational chaplains. Our chaplain would just come and sit with my husband - and talk about fishing. It meant a lot to him.

But I thought about the afterlife more - for him. I wanted him to have a glimpse of where he was going, because he needed it. So I realized one day that if I was going to travel somewhere that I had never been before (like Alaska? Europe? Asia?) - I would talk to someone who's been there. Right? So I started noticing stories and books written by people who had crossed over, and come back. I was intrigued by how all their stories were different - yet the same statements about joy, peace, love, and a feeling of belonging. So I read to my husband from these books from time to time. It gave him peace. Here's 3 of my favorite books:

- Embraced by the Light, Betty Eadie
- Proof of Heaven, Eben Alexander
- Falling Into Heaven, Mickey Robinson

NONE of these books was written by someone who was 'religious'. They were all skeptics, so their stories have a certain honesty I need personally, if you know what I mean. I'm often a skeptic myself - but always an honest one.

Re: What to expect at the end

Thank you Jan for your response. I know it sounds a bit morose to some but I think it will be easier for me to go through if I have some sort of picture of what is coming. I'm looking for all the unpleasant details such as the end of body functions, what things I won't be able to do for myself, what my appearance will become, and what the last weeks will be like. Sucks to read that your husband is gone. I'd be greatful for any details I listed but completely understand if you would rather not share. Hope you are doing well

Re: What to expect at the end

I have read this fine book and highly recommend it. I think it may address most of your questions regarding "details on what the "shutdown" will be like", and may be of some value to you...

"With the End in Mind: Dying, Death, and Wisdom in an Age of Denial"

by Kathryn Mannix

(In the words of one reviewer) - This book is an absolute essential reading for everyone. No one is immune from death, not only our own but our family and friends. This book tells in a concise way of the pattern to the way life ends.