Prostate Cancer Survivors






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seminal fluid

-- In 2008 my psa was 2.1 the doctor raised concerns, 2010 psa 3.7, 2013 psa 5.7, I month after Biopsy 9.7 which I am told is not uncommon after biopsy. I went on the budwig diet immediately after being diagnosed, at the moment I have a bone scan in two weeks to see if the cancer has spread. Note before being diagnosed my volume of seminal fluid was low and would take 3 days to build up, after the biopsy it is at full strength again, this seems odd, but it is like the biopsy fixed the problem. I am thinking about trying to beat this naturally, everyone thinks I am crazy.

Re: seminal fluid

G'day Ernst,

You do not give any dtails of your diagnosis - especially the number of positive needles and the Gleason Grades. Thise are important basic numbers that you need to start building a planned approach to how best to deal with your diagnosis.

The so-called Budwig Diet as referred to in many alternative diet URLs is a long way from the somewhat complaex diet used by Dr Budwig. There is some dount that even the full Budwig Diet was not demonstrably helpful in fighting prostate cancer: the shortened version almost certainly does net, especially as some of the ingredients used are not the same as the original diet.

You might like to read the experiences of ne who chose this option as part of their treatmet - to see these go to RESOURCES and enter Budwig diet into the site search engine. You might like to read this story particulalrly - Steve Taylor as Steve is very much into alternative therapies.

Good luck.

Terry in Australia