Prostate Cancer Survivors






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Catheter Removal

wondering what some other experiences are regarding bleeding during urination after catheter removal.

My catheter was removed on Monday May 6 and everything was good until yesterday, I started noticing a light pink color during urination. I have not drank anything other than one cup of coffee in the morning and then water from there on out. It's freaking me out a little. They say that is normal just wondering how long it goes on for......the internet tells me a vast array of timeframes just wondering what some real life experiences are? Also, don't know if it is related but it feels like I am sitting on an egg most of the time.

I had a robotic prostatectomy on April 26

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Catheter Removal

Sorry to read of your concern, Wade. I can't help you with a persoanl experience after surgery, although I can say that my urine was pink for weeks after my biopsy and the TURP (Transurethral Resection of the Prostate) aka RotoRooter job I had done. about three or four weeks after the latter I had a fright when I passed a blood clot. That got me back to the urologists who said not to worry - that kind of thing could happen for motnhs after the procedure. Wouldn't it be great if they mentioned this to you?

I don't know how many of the experiences of men who chose surgery you have read. I think if you do that you will find a wide range of experiences. They are on the site at SURVIVORS STORIES

All the best
Terry in Australia

Re: Catheter Removal

It is good to see other peoples experience, however, If you are concerned you should call your physician.

A couple reason. For one thing you want to get it on the record, and two you want to make sure it isn't an infection or something else.

All the best