Prostate Cancer Survivors






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prostate cancer

psa now 69. age 70. diagnosed 18 years ago psa 7. radiotherapy. got "all clear" psa 3 something ? P.C. returned 2008.
Shock. fear, panic, confusion.

They prescribed stilboestrol ( drug to suppress testosterone) .. pharmaceutical castration .. in my ignorance didn't know better. side effects gained 16 pounds, mammaries (oesrogen felt my life was not in my control but doctored.
Read R. Gellately . Hope. Walked away from orthodox medicine. Long story.

Read everything. Fated 50 days on juice 2012. Tom Coghill. Weight went down from 150 lbs to 112 lbs. No prob. Total de tox. Wonderful experience/ Psa dropped 27 points to 26.

Still confused but I believe I can heal PC. About to commence a p Protocol of Larry Pope.

What do you think ? Any suggestions


Thank you

Re: prostate cancer

Everything I have read and understand without Testosterone, the cancer will go into remission. In the book "Invasion of the prostate snatchers" by Dr. Mark Scholz and Ralph Bloom, they go into great detail about this, also side effects, and how to minimize them.

From the book:

Prostate cancer is the only type of cancer so exquisitely sensitive to hormone blockade...

Almost all men treated with TIP experience sharp declines in PSA down to undetectable levels. If they have a palpable abnormality on DRE, the nodule usually disappears within three to four months..."

Keep in mind Michael Milken had stage 4 PCa when diagnosed, and used hormone suppression, radiation, and diet, and that was over 15 years ago, and he is strong.

All the best