Prostate Cancer Survivors






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Prostate infections and rising PSA

I have been on active surveillance for almost three years due to a Gleason six diagnosis. My problem is that, after my last round of biopsies almost two years ago which put me in the hospital with blood sepsis, I keep getting prostate infections. Each infection brings on a rise in PSA which only comes down slightly after each round of antibiotics. The PSA is currently 13.1, up from 7.6 almost three years ago. Cancer cells were found in only twenty percent of onc core out of a total of fifty four from three rounds of biopsies. Is it likely that cronic prostate infections can permanently cause rises in PSA? I am afraid to consent to another round of biopsies due to my life threatening experience the last time.

Re: Prostate infections and rising PSA


The simple answer to your question is YES.

The PSA test does not show that there is cancer present, although cancer may be a contributor to an elevated PSA. The test shows that there is something worng with prostate or bladder (or maybe somewhere else!) which is causing PSA to leak into the bloodstream. the damage done in your multiple previous biopsy procedures could well have rsulted in such a leak or, as you say, recurrent infections.

It seems from what you say that it is far more likely that it is NOT advancing PCa that is causing the flctuating PSA results. But why don't you speak to one of the pathologists at your lab who deals with PSA? In my experience those people are often very approachable.

All the best

Terry in Australia

Re: Prostate infections and rising PSA


Thanks for the quick reply. Your suggestion that I speak to one of the pathologists at the lab is not feasible since the local labs are just collection places. They send everything to some central location where the samples are analyzed. Right after I posted my entry I heard from the local hospital which called me in for an immediate MRI with a rectal coil. OUCH! I'll update my story on the YANA site as soon as I get through the next few weeks.

If it were not for you and the YANA site I would not have had the strength to follow active surveillance and avoid three years of side effects. I am grateful to you and wish you many more years of the good life.

Re: Prostate infections and rising PSA

hello, i went into hospital xmas week 2012, they pumped me full of an iv antibiotic as i had a multi resistant organism in my urine, then they did a biopsy of my prostate, other than the blood clot they gave me in the iv arm i did well, other than i was off work for 6 weeks..which drove me insane
the big fear was me going septic without the iv therapy