Prostate Cancer Survivors






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I have to decide in the near future whether or not to risk further injections of Lucrin (Lupron) because of heart problems. However I have just come across this natural product call Diindolylmethane which many people claim can reduce testosterone and increase estrogen and in so doing can slow down prostate cancer. Has anyone used this stuff or anyone have an opinion on it. Its not cheap so I don't want to waste my money.

Re: Diindolylmethane

I always make my first stop when investigating any 'natural' products the Memorial Sloan-Kettering site About Herbs, Botanicals & Other Products - that link is to Diindolylmethane information on the site.

As you will see the evidence for the efficaciousness of Diindolylmethane is very slim or non-existant. I see that on another site it is said that:

Diindolylmethane (DIM) is a natural compound formed during the autolytic breakdown of glucobrassicin present in food plants of the Brassica genus, including broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and kale. The autolytic breakdown of glucobrassicin requires the catalytic reaction of the enzyme myrosinase which is endogenous to these plants and released upon rupture of the cell wall.

Maybe eating up yor Brussel Sprouts and Broccoli would do as much good at a fraction of the price?

Good luck
Terry In Australia

Re: Diindolylmethane

Thanks Terry - that clears that up and has saved me from giving it a go. I have to admit that I didn't have much faith in it.
Best Wishes