Prostate Cancer Survivors






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Dr. agreed to AS for now, but said family history will make treatment a reality at some point

So, after getting a 2nd opinion in Seattle at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer center, the Urologist agreed that given my current findings PSA 2.7, 1 of 16 biopsy cores positive with 15% cancer (gleason 3+3=6) & negative DRE I could be enrolled in the Active Surveillance program at the cancer center. But, he was very clear to point out that given my Dad's side family history of prostate cancer, Dad diagnosed at 75 & another brother at 55, I would most likely need treatment within 5 to 7 years. Does anyone know of a web link or a data source I can access to better understand the difference between my prognosis based on no previous family history vs. family history for given the above initial results, thanks!

Re: Dr. agreed to AS for now, but said family history will make treatment a reality at some point

Get your DNA tested at 23andme or some other site. It is about $100 and they can give you your risk factor for PC AND risk of aggressive prostate cancer based on known DNA risk factors. It is actually pretty exciting information because DNA studies are going on all the time and new results are coming out almost daily. I got mine done and they gave me a high risk factor for prostate cancer but a low risk for aggressive prostate cancer. I took that to mean the type that can kill you in a two to three years no matter how they try to treat it. The DNA test result seemed to agree exactly with the PC type that I am dealing with. It has responded well to treatment for at least three years so far (no detectable PSA).

Re: Dr. agreed to AS for now, but said family history will make treatment a reality at some point

Thanks Frank, I am sure you must have already confirmed this is a legitmate site, I will definitely pursue this as it would be good to know what my life cards read!

Re: Dr. agreed to AS for now, but said family history will make treatment a reality at some point

Yes, it is reputable....just google it ;-) you'll get that bit of humour once you do.

Re: Dr. agreed to AS for now, but said family history will make treatment a reality at some point

OK, Frank thanks for the tip!