Prostate Cancer Survivors






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Re: last stages of prostate cancer

John,dont give in,my PSA was 2500 3 weeks ago,I have been told by the experts that I would be in boot hill ,jan 2010,revised to march this year and still kicking.My motto is the outward bound course motto,"to serve ,to strive and not to yield"(Scott of the Antartic}
Advice,Ignore the cost,buy only the best meat fish etc that you like.Yoghurt easy to eat,mushrooms I like,Fresh salmon,try blackstrap mollacces/maltexo/complan for a boost,plain porrige also good with cream if you like it that way,Silverside (corned beef)good,buy only genuine bacon,the sort you can smell cooking down the road!,with a couple of eggs and some mushrooms and tomatoes,great!pre cooked chickens are good,boil up the frame for soup,buy the sort of fruit you may not normally afford,rock melons,cherries oysen berries etc.
I say all this as I have a liver met and a very poor appetite,put simply buy what you wish to eat.
And a Kindle E book is a good buy if you a getting near bedridden,fight on regards David Mangawhai NZ

Re: last stages of prostate cancer

John,also always have a goal,mine at the moment is a new grandson due Nov 3rd,the medical people would not give me more than 4 to 6 weeks at present but stuff that ,I intend to be around at the birth,especially as his middle name is David!

Re: last stages of prostate cancer

John,a couple of other ideas,dexametasone or prednisone are sometimes prescribed for poor appetite but they did not suit me (big highs and lows) so I stopped taking them.
If you are on morphine you will have constipation problems,I have found that the low release morphine (3 day ) patches are better than the quick (oxynorm) and slow (Oxycontin) tablets.
I believe that the tablets gave me withdrawal symtoms(icy sweats)when the effect wore of early,patches much better at levelling of the correct morphine level.
You can buy or get on prescription tinned meals ,ensure is one brand,never tried them as yet,assume a fluid meal in a can???
I to would appreciate it if any one can tell me of a drug that will assist appetite anyone know??
Finally I have been through the mill,and the best treatment I ever had (my treatment) was 7/12 minutes of intense solar radiation,evey day,naked,half on stomach,half on back, winter here at present so I take 2000mg of vitamin D3 daily.A snort of port or frangellico (40/60 mills)once a day is good but take it easy!!!
Best wishes David

Re: last stages of prostate cancer


It seems from what you say that your disease has become castrate-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC)- the main cause of prostate cancer mortality. There are many variants in treatment options, some of which are experimental. An anonymous person who was concerned about your position has sent me the extract of a recently published report on a therapy that has proved very successful for a man who seems to have been in a similar position to yours.

The patient we described responded remarkably well to combination treatment with Cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and dexamethasone (CVD) plus diethylstilbestrol (DES). He was a 77-year-old man and in May 2008 his prognosis was dismal. He responded quickly with no clinically significant toxicity to the CVD plus DES therapy. In January 2011, nearly 3 years after his initial treatment, he remained alive and well.

The study concludes CVD plus DES may help selected patients with advanced CRPC who are too ill to tolerate or benefit from other therapies.

The case was reported in Clin Genitourin Cancer. 2011 May 14. Prolonged Remission of Fulminant Castrate-Resistant Prostate Cancer: A Case Report.Bilen MA, General R, Tu SM. Source: Department of Internal Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX.

You might like to discuss this case with your medical people

Terry in Australia

Re: last stages of prostate cancer

Terry,good bit of advice will look into that treatmnt myself.
Quick update on myself,same problem as John.
Steroids such as prednisone and dexamethasone are bad news on prostate cancer because they defy the laws of Physics,where does the energy come from,well apparently from the back of the thy muscles and at the muscles under the tops of the legs,thus weakening the patient further.
I have found the low dose 12.5 micron 3 day patches to be far superior to 5 and 10 mg oxycontin,oxynorm.
I have been started on 5mg morning and 5mg at night of methadone,works wonders,targets a different pain pathway,the local hospice has had some good results with this tiny dose,that means I am on the equivqalent dose of morphine of 40 mg per day,very low,but improved appetite.
Balancing the correct morphine dose is very important to appetite,not too mutch,not too little.
NOTE these are only my opinions and observations,not nessesarally medical fact.
But go for Terrys link and let us know how you get on ,David

Re: last stages of prostate cancer

To my friend John -

I so far have been keeping ahead of the grim reaper and am damned proud of it. We live in a world of pills and exotic treatments for so many things, however on the advice of my physician here in Arizona he told me (quietly) to buy a bag of good marijuana, cook it into dessert recipes like cookies or brownies and start with 1/2 of one brownie. My appetite and pain went away within 30 minutes. I then ate 2 tacos. AND kept them down. I now eat 3-4 small meals a day and feel better, have a bit more energy , and more than anything my mind is off the grim reaper. Sometimes you just need to remember that Mother earth put things here for us that don't require a prescription and work wonders. This is only a suggestion. Do what you need to for your time on this earth. Be well. I wish you peace my friend.

John in Arizona.