Prostate Cancer Survivors






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If I upet you, I regret that.

When you raised the question of elevated PSA I suggested two things to you. I said:

1. ..... you should also know that ultra-sensitive PSA tests (which is what you are getting now) are not always accurate - see ULTRA-SENSITIVE PSA


2. If you ever get to the stage when you have three consecutive rises in your PSA at the kind of levels you are talking about you might like to read this story: AGOSTINI which is just one of over 1,000 stories on the site. You might like to read those - and the rest of the site. THe knowledge you get should reduce your anxiety because you will have greater knowledge.

Can I ask you if you went to either of those Links? If so did you not find them helpful?

Have you read through the stories other men who have had surgery and detectable PSA levels after surgery to see how and why they made their decisions? Are those not helpful?

I also suggested, in one of my mails to you Off List, that you read A STRANGE PLACE and offered to send you a hard copy of that booklet which so many others have found useful if you could not read it on site or download it. All I needed was your postal address, but I have not heard from you.

Those of us who read posts from people like you, in distress and concerned (often for no reason other than ignorance), do our best to help, but much of the way you can deal with your crisis must depend on your taking some steps to educate yourself. Of course you must continue to ask questions, but you also need to listen to the answers.

All the best



Thanks Terry
I have a lot going on at the moment my PC and two weeks ago my wife (lump in her breast )get result next week.I get that stressed as we have 14 yr old son that needs us.Well i feel better i went to see my urologist for some answers today.According to him I'm a long long way from where we should get worried .He explained 0.04 and 0.03 they are both so TINY don't worry until we and if we get up to .1 but we are a long way from that.Thanks Terry i appreciate everything you and all members did for me I'm so grateful.


Hi Bob,

I decided not to get the ultrasensitive PSA test after surgery. My doctor felt that the tests don't provide any extra information to help decide treatment options and that the variations cause unnecessary worry.

The standard number that most doctors will use to determine whether follow-up treatment is needed is 0.2... of course this depends on a lot of factors, including pre-surgery PSA, Gleason Score, pathology report, PSA Velocity, etc. The main thing to remember is that .03 and 0.04 are very small numbers and that the difference between them is probably within the accuracy of the tests.

Best Regards, David
Connecticut, US


Hi David
Thanks for your post i agree absolutely with you the ultra sensitive test causes so much unnecessary anxiety.Your advise i agree with with and if it gets to .1 or .2 that is the time to look at further treatment.Some of the posts also cause unnecessary worry i have have people tell me at 0.04 i have a problem I'm nearly on the detectable stage which i know is not right.Thank for post let me know how you are going i wish you the best.