Prostate Cancer Survivors






This forum is for the discussion of anything to do with Prostate Cancer.
There are only four rules:

  • No fundraisers, no commercials (although it is OK to recommend choices of treatment or medical people based on your personal research; invitations to participate in third-party surveys are also acceptable, provided there is no compensation to YANA);
  • No harvesting e-mail addresses for Spam;
  • No insults or flaming - be polite and respectful at all times and understand that there may be a variety of points of view, all of which may have some validity;
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New Posts and Updates

This is the last Up Date for 2010 and I have closed the site for more updates or new entries until mid-January. By then, when I get back from my vacation, I’m hoping that I will have made it quicker and easier to process entries.


SIMON LORD chose Manual Laparoscopic Prostatectomy

TED GREGORY newly diagnosed with a PSA of 244.0, GS 9 and Stage T4 has chosen ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy)

L JONES says he is undecided but seems to have chosen (AS) Active Surveillance inadvertently

ARTHUR CLAYTON chose RP (Radical Prostatectomy) but in what seems to me to be a somewhat bizarre recommendation, he says that newly diagnosed men should ‘Stay away from the Internet….” and declines to publish his e-mail address. Guess you can’t win them all.

GARY C chose RALP (Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy) right after Thanksgiving


The first Update is from an old pal whose story demonstrates just how individual our paths can be DOUG ADAM one of our Platinum Members, diagnosed in 1991 with a stage T3 GS 10 disease had RP (Radical Prostatectomy) and EBRT (External Beam Radiation Therapy) which failed and so he moved to ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy) but felt the cure was worse than the disease and went on “ADT vacation” after eighteen months in 1998. He is still in remission, demonstrating if nothing else that when it is said that all prostate cancer will become hormone independent, it may be common but it ain’t universal

DEAN PATRICK has had continuing problems with strictures after his Brachytherapy failed and he had RP (Radical Prostatectomy) with adjuvant ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy – stopped after 12 months) and is now completely incontinent and impotent

MIKE C celebrates two years after RALP (Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Surgery) with no PSA, no incontinence, no ED and 100 days fly-fishing this year – meeting his Bucket List quota

IQI SINGH chose ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy) he had a rapidly rising PSA and after his scans showed metastases

TERRY FEE six month PSA test undetectable: ED improving slowly after RP (Radical Prostatectomy)

PETER BROWN all’s going well after EBRT (External Beam Radiation Therapy), Brachytherapy, ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy)

RAY JONES ten months since his RALP (Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy) with an undetectable PSA and ED improving

RICHARD SKEY diagnosed with a PSA over 2,000 ng/ml, T4 GS 10 is on Taxotere after ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy) failed and his PSA reached 583.0 ng/ml

JOHN THOMPSON chose Brachytherapy and IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy) for his GS 7, PSA 40 diagnosis and alls well with no side effects

JOHN LEMLEY while on AS (Active Surveillance) has had a rise of 0.60 in his PSA and a new doctor is urging a second biopsy

JAKE HANNAM reports his PSA after Focal Cryotherapy

BOB C ponders on whether he made the right choice in RALP (Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy) given his ED and inguinal hernia

IAN YEARWOOD continues with his Watchful Waiting despite another PSA rise

I’d like to take this opportunity of wishing you all the best over the holidays – may all your PSAs be low. I’d also like to thank all of you who have submitted your stories and kept them up to date. I believe this makes the site a unique resource.

Finally, for those of you who arranged the snow in Europe ahead of our ‘White Christmas Tour’ – Thanks very much, but don’t you think you may have overdone it just a tad?

All the best

Terry in Australia