Prostate Cancer Survivors






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Trueman Seamans PCa journey link~Dx 1999 -Psa= 4,212 10 yrs of life

Here is an interesting patient history right here at yananow. Amazing this patient did so well for 10 yrs. with a diagnosis like that. He did have Dr. Sartor and Dr. William Ho and used drugs like:
casodex, zoladex, and ketoconazole and DES (go figure...DES the 'evil' drug??????).

Terry did he die from a lung cancer (2009) or PCa, the history therein was kind of non-clear on that????
His story is one for the books.

Re: Trueman Seamans PCa journey link~Dx 1999 -Psa= 4,212 10 yrs of life

I don't think Trueman had lung cancer. When he did not update his story in about 2006 (because he had chnaged his e-mail address and didn't get my annual reminder) somone mentioned to me that they thought he had died.

As is seen from his story that was not the case.

To the best of my knowledge prostate cancer was the ultimate cause of his death, althogh just which of his vital organs failed under the weight of the tumours is not clear from the story his widow wrote.

But it certainly is a story that everyone with a late stage/metastasised/high PSA story should read to realise that it is possible to keep going long after the medical profession's predicted dates of demise.

All the best
